妙想氈開: 展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫 | 誠品線上

妙想氈開: 展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫

作者 田恆德/ 康旻杰
出版社 正港資訊文化事業有限公司
商品描述 妙想氈開: 展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫:地方的記憶是一面草根為床的魔氈Memoryofaplaceisagrassroots-mattedMagicCarpet 本書以中文英文雙語展開魔氈飛行之旅


內容簡介 地方的記憶是一面草根為床的魔氈Memory of a place is a grassroots-matted Magic Carpet 本書以中文英文雙語展開魔氈飛行之旅。 妙想氈開的廣東話發音,接近妙想天開。 魔氈從故事的源頭起飛,透過地方探索和影像觸媒,飛過不同城市領空,吸納草根萌發的聲音,然後在最不經意的鄰里角落降落,開展一場接一場的映演分享。 但魔氈不是天馬行空,接地氣的妙想才能讓城市的天穹開啟。 規畫田野的耕耘催生了社區行動的實踐。 無論社區中的行動,或行動中的社區,在都市再生的輪迴,妙想氈開的起降,總朝向一個社區共利的未來。 Magic Carpet takes off from the beginning of stories, flying across the skies of different cities and absorbing the voices of the grassroots via the exploration of places and the catalysis of filming, then lands at the most unexpected neighborhood corners to unfold screening events of community sharing one after another. But Magic Carpet is not a purely whimsical or unconstrained fantasy, and only when the imaginations touch the ground can the ceiling of the city open up. The cultivations of the planning fields activate the practices of community actions – whether actions in communities or communities in action – and, in the continuous reincarnation of urban regeneration, the ascending and descending of Magic Carpet always glide towards a future of community benefit.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介田恆德 香港中文大學建築學院副教授,都市設計碩士研究學程主任。研究領域關注香港、澳門及珠三角的都市變遷與公共空間。田教授是香港城市設計學會的創始成員及學院顧問,也是德國的註冊建築師。Hendrik Tieben is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). At CUHK, he is the Director of the MSc in Urban Design Program. His research focuses on urban transformation and public space the in Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta. Prof. Tieben is a founding member and academic advisor of the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design and a registered architect in Germany. 康旻杰臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授,現任專業者都市改革組織(OURs)理事長,及臺大都市聚落與地景研究室主持人。研究領域關注文化地景與都市交錯群落、都市設計、都市保育與再生、投身社會之公共藝術及地景敘事。Min Jay Kang is an Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University (NTU) and the current Chairperson of OURs (Organization of Urban-Res). He is also the director of Urban Settlements and Landscapes Research Lab in NTU, and his research focuses on cultural landscapes and urban ecotones, urban design, urban conservation and regeneration, socially engages public arts, and landscape narratives.


產品目錄 《妙想氈開:展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫》 00—序言 FOREWORDWORDS 乍現/瞬逝城市的解方-侯志仁Antidote to the Pop-up down City-Jeffrey Hou 01—緣起北京:顯影天橋北 RE-ENVISIONING TIANQIAO NORTHWORDS|從北京飛起,在臺北香港降落的魔氈-康旻杰/田恆德Magic Carpet Beijing-Min Jay Kang/Hendrik TiebenREEL|天橋北社區影片及映演行動Community Films and Screening Actions in Tianqiao North 02—ACTION! 妙想氈開!ACTION! UNFOLD THE CARPET!魔氈社區行動自己搞-康旻杰DIY Manual for the Magic Carpet Actions-Min Jay Kang 03—臺北:顯影萬華 TAIPEI:RE-ENVISIONING WAN HUAWORDS|妙想氈開在萬華-康旻杰Magic Carpet Wanhua-Min Jay KangREEL 1|萬華社區影片與社區議題繪圖Wanhua Community Films and "Community Issues" MappingREEL 2|「顯影萬華」小報"Re-envisioning Wanhua" Newspape REEL 3|現地映演及顯影社區空間In-situ Screening and Re-envisioning Community SpacesREEL4|社區行動及再造社區空間Community Actions and Re-making Community SpacesREEL5|社區生命故事切片A Slice of the Community Stories 04—香港:顯影西營盤 HONG KONG:RE-ENVISIONING SAI YING PUNWORDS|妙想氈開西營盤-田恆德Magic Carpet Sai Ying Pun -Hendrik Tieben REEL 1|西營盤社區議題繪圖Sai Ying Pun "Community Issues" Mapping REEL 2|西營盤社區影片及參與式錄像Sai Ying Pun Community Films and Participatory Videos REEL 3|現地映演及顯影社區空間In-situ Screening and Re-envisioning Community Spaces REEL 4|妙想之桌與再造社區空間Magic Tables and Re-making Community Spaces REEL 5|妙想空間與再設計社區空間Magic Spaces and Re-designing Community Spaces REEL 6|一刻社區設計館與社區行動Magic Lanes and Community Actions 05—臺北+香港,臺北 × 香港 TAIPEI + HONG KONG,TAIPEI × HONG KONGREEL 1|深港城市/建築雙城雙年展Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/ArchitectureREEL 2|雙城對話Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong 06—評論 REVIEW 社區的豐饒:民族誌與都市設計 -葛海崙The Plenitude of Community: Ethnography and Urban Design -Helen Grace 07—來自社區前線的聲音 TAIPEI + HONG KONG,TAIPEI × HONG KONGREEL 1|臺北六庄李和惠Kuzue Lee of Six-Settlements, TaipeiREEL 2|香港明愛冼昭行Benjamin Sin of Caritas Hong Kong 08—跋 AFTERWORD「所謂社區共利計畫」 -康旻杰The So-Called Community Benefit Plans -Min Jay Kang


書名 / 妙想氈開: 展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫
作者 / 田恆德 康旻杰
簡介 / 妙想氈開: 展開台北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫:地方的記憶是一面草根為床的魔氈Memoryofaplaceisagrassroots-mattedMagicCarpet 本書以中文英文雙語展開魔氈飛行之旅
出版社 / 正港資訊文化事業有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863071549
ISBN10 / 9863071544
EAN / 9789863071549
誠品26碼 / 2681544167008
頁數 / 424
開數 / 18K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 23X17CM
級別 / N:無
