Murder Is Easy | 誠品線上

Murder Is Easy

作者 Agatha Christie
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Murder Is Easy:AquietEnglishvillageisplaguedbyafiendishserialkillerinQueenofMysteryAgathaChristie'sclassicthriller,MurderisEasy.LukeFitzwilliamdoesnotbelieveMi


內容簡介 A quiet English village is plagued by a fiendish serial killer in Queen of Mystery Agatha Christie's classic thriller, Murder is Easy.Luke Fitzwilliam does not believe Miss Pinkerton's wild allegation that a multiple murderer is at work in the quiet English village of Wychwood and that her local doctor is next in line.But within hours, Miss Pinkerton has been killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Mere coincidence? Luke is inclined to think so--until he reads in the Times of the unexpected demise of Wychwood's Dr. Humbleby....


書名 / Murder Is Easy
作者 / Agatha Christie
簡介 / Murder Is Easy:AquietEnglishvillageisplaguedbyafiendishserialkillerinQueenofMysteryAgathaChristie'sclassicthriller,MurderisEasy.LukeFitzwilliamdoesnotbelieveMi
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780062073808
ISBN10 / 006207380X
EAN / 9780062073808
誠品26碼 / 2682164486005
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1X13.5X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 204.1
