商品描述 THREE PIGS:美國凱迪克童書大獎2002金獎殊榮(CaldecottMedalWinner)凱迪克獎常客威斯納是國內讀者已經熟知的繪本名家,作品中充滿令人忍俊不住的詼諧與異想天開;他之前作


內容簡介 This Caldecott Medal-winning picture book begins placidly (and familiarly) enough, with three pigs collecting materials and going off to build houses of straw, sticks, and bricks. But the wolf’s huffing and puffing blows the first pig right out of the story . . . and into the realm of pure imagination. The transition signals the start of a freewheeling adventure with characteristic David Wiesner effects—cinematic flow, astonishing shifts of perspective, and sly humor, as well as episodes of flight. Satisfying both as a story and as an exploration of the nature of story, The Three Pigs takes visual narrative to a new level. Dialogue balloons, text excerpts, and a wide variety of illustration styles guide the reader through a dazzling fantasy universe to the surprising and happy ending. Fans of Tuesday’s frogs and Sector 7’s clouds will be captivated by old friends—the Three Pigs of nursery fame and their companions—in a new guise. This picture book begins placidly (and familiarly) enough, with three pigs collecting materials and going off to build houses of straw, sticks, and bricks. But the wolf’s huffing and puffing blows the first pig right out of the story . . . and into the realm of pure imagination. The transition signals the start of a freewheeling adventure with characteristic David Wiesner effects—cinematic flow, astonishing shifts of perspective, and sly humor, as well as episodes of flight.Satisfying both as a story and as an exploration of the nature of story, The Three Pigs takes visual narrative to a new level. Dialogue balloons, text excerpts, and a wide variety of illustration styles guide the reader through a dazzling fantasy universe to the surprising and happy ending. Fans of Tuesday’s frogs and Sector 7’s clouds will be captivated by old friends—the Three Pigs of nursery fame and their companions—in a new guise.


各界推薦 美國凱迪克童書大獎2002金獎殊榮(Caldecott Medal Winner) 凱迪克獎常客威斯納是國內讀者已經熟知的繪本名家,作品中充滿令人忍俊不住的詼諧與異想天開;他之前作品中的《瘋狂星期二》(Tuesday)和《7號夢工廠》(Sector 7)已有中文譯本,前者相當受到本地讀者的喜愛,而後者則贏得2000年的凱迪克銀牌獎。 威斯納去年4月出版的這本新作《三隻小豬》,當大野狼將第一隻小豬的稻草屋吹倒時,小豬居然被大野狼吹出故事框外,並拉著其他兩隻小豬逃離傳統的故事軌道,甚至也引誘其他童話中的角色加入他們的脫逃行列。 威斯納不僅顛覆了故事敘說,大膽的留白與細緻的筆觸,在技法與畫面呈現上也令人耳目一新,評審對此作的評語是:「透過威斯納的視野與高超的藝術表現,《三隻小豬》揭示了無限的可能性。」這本書已經獲得2002年的凱迪克金牌獎。 作家A to Z:David Wiesner 對於David Wiesner這位美國頂尖插畫家兼得獎常勝軍,大部分的讀者應該都相當熟悉,尤其是他的經典作品《夢幻大飛行》(Free Fall)及《瘋狂星期二》(Tuesday),更是魅力鮮明到令人過目難忘;這兩本作品更為他贏得了一九八九與九二年的凱迪克獎。在《夢幻大飛行》中,當小男孩沉入夢鄉後,他的格子床單開始延展成無盡的田野和海洋,而他手上抱著的書籍,則變成了一頁頁飛翔的地圖,帶領他穿越一座座奇幻城市;在《瘋狂星期二》中,青蛙們可以離開池塘,飛越整個城市上方,塑造出趣味又詭異的氣氛。他利用一幅幅充滿動感、有如電影運鏡般的畫面,引著讀者在夜晚城市的上空中穿梭、飛翔。 從小就滿腦子奇思異想的Wiesner,像許多孩子一樣喜歡冒險、尋寶,他居住的地方附近有著青蛙群聚的沼澤、墓園和大型的廢棄物處理廠,簡直就是他和哥哥們的快樂天堂,而這樣豐富歡愉的童年經驗,也成為他源源不絕的創意來源。Wiesner的每一本書都有不同凡響的想像,且著重以「視覺」向讀者說故事。視覺敘事對他來說,是先於文字也先於聲音的表現主體,藉著視覺藝術,帶給讀者豐富的啟發與感動。 Wiesner熱衷於無字圖畫書的創作領域,他認為「無字書能為圖畫書留下神祕、讓想像力奔馳的空間,讓讀者更接近這些插畫,活潑的參與,用自己內在的聲音創作自己的故事」。所以有人說:「看David Wiesner的圖畫書,就好像在看史蒂芬.史匹柏的電影」。每每他有新作問世時,總是令人不禁期待這次他又為讀者帶來什麼奇幻景象。翻開他二○○六年的最新創作Flotsam,作畫風格依舊是素描線條澄淨,水彩用色精細,一如超現實主義的畫作,帶領讀者在享受視覺饗宴之餘,也讓想像力翱翔在書頁翻動之中。 (原載於誠品好讀第72期2006年12月號)


作者介紹 David Wiesner's interest in visual storytelling dates back to high school days when he made silent movies and drew wordless comic books. Born and raised in Bridgewater, New Jersey, he graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in Illustration. While a student, he created a painting nine feet long, which he now recognizes as the genesis of Free Fall, his first book of his own authorship, for which he was awarded a Caldecott Honor Medal in 1989. David won his first Caldecott Medal in 1992 for Tuesday, and he has gone on to win twice more: in 2002 for The Three Pigs and in 2007 for Flotsam. He is only the second person in the award�s history to win the Caldecott Medal three times. David and his wife, Kim Kahng, and their two children live near Philadelphia, where he devotes full time to illustration and she pursues her career as a surgeon.


簡介 / THREE PIGS:美國凱迪克童書大獎2002金獎殊榮(CaldecottMedalWinner)凱迪克獎常客威斯納是國內讀者已經熟知的繪本名家,作品中充滿令人忍俊不住的詼諧與異想天開;他之前作
ISBN13 / 9780618007011
ISBN10 / 0618007016
EAN / 9780618007011
誠品26碼 / 2613035134008
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無