O's Little Guide to Starting Over | 誠品線上

歐普拉人生指南: 讓生命重新開機

作者 歐普拉雜誌
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 O's Little Guide to Starting Over:Aninspiringcollectionofpersonalstoriesandwisewordsthatcelebratethepowerofafreshstart.Someofusstartoverwillingly,andothersaref


內容簡介 An inspiring collection of personal stories and wise words that celebrate the power of a fresh start.Some of us start over willingly, and others are forced by circumstance―but everyone who finds herself back at square one could use a dose of courage and comfort. Readers will discover both in O's Little Guide to Starting Over, a collection of stirring pieces on the topic of beginning again. Just a few of the compelling writers and astute thinkers in the mix: Martha Beck, who advises us that embracing failure may lead to our greatest successes; Kelly Corrigan, who writes that accepting our lack of control can be both freeing and healing; and Junot Diaz, who offers reassurance that pushing ahead, even when it feels impossible, is the way to become the person we were meant to be. With moving stories, practical insight, and unforgettable voices, O’s Little Guide to Starting Over is an essential road map for those who are breaking free, rising above, and making their way forward.


作者介紹 Since its record-breaking launch in 2000, O, The Oprah Magazine has been a trusted and beloved source of compelling stories and empowering ideas. Reaching twelve million readers each month, the content of O Magazine, stamped with Oprah Winfrey's unique vision, encourages confident, intelligent women to reach for their dreams and make the choices necessary to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.


書名 / O's Little Guide to Starting Over
作者 / 歐普拉雜誌
簡介 / O's Little Guide to Starting Over:Aninspiringcollectionofpersonalstoriesandwisewordsthatcelebratethepowerofafreshstart.Someofusstartoverwillingly,andothersaref
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250070067
ISBN10 / 1250070066
EAN / 9781250070067
誠品26碼 / 2681669699002
頁數 / 182
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.5X13.5X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
