Lyrical Life-Wear: The Ultimate Issey Miyake Monograph (+Bag) | 誠品線上

Lyrical Life-Wear: The Ultimate Issey Miyake Monograph (+Bag)

作者 Issey Miyake/ Kazuko Koike
商品描述 Lyrical Life-Wear: The Ultimate Issey Miyake Monograph (+Bag):第一本完整介紹三宅一生的專書,珍藏經典。限量一千本大師用印簽章收藏版。附有三宅一生限定設計包款,


內容簡介 慟!日本當代服裝設計師三宅一生逝世三宅一生於1938年在日本廣島出生,童年歷經廣島市原子彈爆炸,1965年,在東京多摩藝術大學學習平面設計,因核爆事件帶來的傷痛,希望創造出「不會被摧毀」的事物。 三宅一生是日本當代最具影響力的服裝設計師之一,1971年成立個人品牌 ISSEY MIYAKE 聞名國際。而他最為人所知的褶皺工藝「一生褶」(Pleats Please),背後其實隱含著溫柔的含意── 在回日本創立個人品牌之前,60 年代的三宅一生先後在巴黎與紐約進修,並曾與 Guy Laroche和紀梵希先生一起工作。當時法國正經歷大規模社會運動「五月革命」,也因進修的過程而轉變了三宅一生看待服裝的眼光,他發現自己真正想要的並不是給那些有錢人穿的衣服,而是像牛仔褲、T-shirt 那種可以讓很多人穿的、方便清洗、穿著舒適的衣服。三宅一生曾說過:「我是為了替人們製作服裝而成為服裝設計師,而不是為了製作遵循法國傳統的高級訂製服。」第一本完整介紹三宅一生的專書,珍藏經典。限量一千本大師用印簽章收藏版。附有三宅一生限定設計包款,市值超過20,000元。三宅一生曾自述,「創新進取,打破規則」是他信奉的設計圭臬,突破西方傳統造型,以反思維進行無結構設計,掰開、揉碎,再重鑄服裝,看似無形,卻恰恰有型,一種東方製衣枝術的創新模式,反映了日本和式的人生哲學,兼具寬泛、雍容的內涵,玄奧的日本文化,使得三宅一生這個品牌,在歐美主宰的時尚界,異軍突起,獨樹一格,更顯魅力。三宅一生曾說:「一塊布(A-POC)就是我的出發點。」整體概念是,利用天然材質的伸縮性針織物,以先進電腦精算、再用工業用編織機去織成一體成形的筒狀單品,強調邊緣絕不脫線。一塊布,締造了時尚更高境界,也影響了日後服裝的工藝表現。這套限量的三宅一生專書,不僅邀請到他好朋友Yuriko Takagi操刀攝影,還有無印良品創意總監Kazuko Koike小池一子親筆整理三宅一生的年表,以及從未公開的故事,能更進一步了解這位跨足香水設計了一生之水(L'Eau D'Issey)成為經典的大師之所以為大師的初衷。喜歡三宅一生,從是時尚與設計相關工作者必收藏,也是一本能讓書櫃上彰顯個人品味的奢華經典。The ultimate Issey Miyake monographIn 1983, Japanese designer Issey Miyake told The New Yorker that he aspired “to forge ahead, to break the mold.” With the boundary-defying fashion lines that followed, he not only broke molds, but recast clothing altogether.This TASCHEN Collector’s Edition, initiated and conceived by Midori Kitamura, offers an expert history of Issey Miyake design. Presented in an original MIYAKE-designed book bag, the book traces Miyake’s texture-driven originality from the earliest days of his career, when he first expressed his commitment to clothing as a field for enduring design rather than changing fashions.Through clothes based on A Piece of Cloth concept, Body Series of the 1980s, Miyake Pleats series, and such practical, everyday designs as Pleats Please pieces, Kitamura draws on more than 40 years of collaborative work with Miyake to create an encyclopedic reference of his material and technical innovations. It bears witness not only to Miyake’s ongoing exploration of the relationship between a piece of cloth and the body, but also to his singular blend of tradition, futurism, and function. The book is stamped with Miyake’s own “inkan”—a traditional Japanese seal equivalent to a signature and used in daily Japanese life for all official paperwork.Photographs by Miyake’s contemporary Yuriko Takagi capture his clothes in their particular quotidien originality, including a breathtaking shoot in Iceland. In her far-reaching essay, meanwhile, leading cultural figure Kazuko Koike offers both a complete career chronology and a personal profile of Miyake to explore the ambition and inspirations that have driven his visionary work.Collector’s Edition of 1,000 numbered copies, each with Miyake’s own “inkan”—a traditional Japanese seal equivalent to a signature and used in daily Japanese life for all official paperwork. The book is presented in an original book bag, designed by the Miyake Reality Lab, with folded shapes and pressed foil techniques from the 132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE project.附三宅一生此套書專屬設計限定包款 (專櫃無銷售)此為2016年出版品,故有些微書斑(如下圖),但不影響閱讀 ,如介意者請勿下單全球限量高單商品,售出後無法退貨 "


書名 / Lyrical Life-Wear: The Ultimate Issey Miyake Monograph (+Bag)
作者 / Issey Miyake Kazuko Koike
簡介 / Lyrical Life-Wear: The Ultimate Issey Miyake Monograph (+Bag):第一本完整介紹三宅一生的專書,珍藏經典。限量一千本大師用印簽章收藏版。附有三宅一生限定設計包款,
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836555203
ISBN10 / 3836555204
EAN / 9783836555203
誠品26碼 / 2681236317001
頁數 / 498
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 96:英 日對照
尺寸 / 36X36CM
級別 / N:無