內容簡介 ★微軟執行長納德拉(Satya Nadella)、安霍創投共同創辦人霍洛維茲(Ben Horowitz)、暢銷作家柯林斯(Jim Collins)重磅強推★矽谷最重要文件背後,深度解析未來商業的路線圖★入圍2020金融時報麥肯錫最佳商業書決選2000年,Netflix登門百視達尋求以五千萬美金被併購,百視達拒絕了。二十年後,Netflix市值突破兩千億美金,成為經營的新典範!◆在科技顛覆浪潮中,Netflix彎道超車擠下迪士尼成為新霸主,平均員工產值是迪士尼的九倍;◆娛樂產業比拼創意無上限,Netflix一家公司凌駕整個好萊塢,全球圈粉,打入超過190國,訂戶飆上兩億;◆成為新世代菁英的熱點,文化魅力超過Google、Apple,登上人才最嚮往的企業。Netflix究竟是如何快速竄起、連續勝出?祕密就藏在Netflix違反直覺的獨特運作方式──在混亂邊緣運作。典範已經移轉,跟上制勝未來的運作法則Netflix創辦人暨執行長海斯汀(Reed Hastings)第一次公開他的經營心法,更打開大門邀請INSEAD歐洲工商管理學院教授梅爾(Erin Meyer)進入Netflix內部研究、訪談超過兩百位員工,兩人一起以對話形式解析Netflix看似沒有流程管控的「自由與責任」文化,提煉出Netflix能快速反應、持續創新的三大運作原則:◆高人才密度才有最優戰力:混亂中要是業界最強者才能因應、創新。公司不是家庭,而更像職業球隊,高手同隊才能彼此刺激進步。對冗員零容忍,討厭鬼、懶鬼、濫好人都無法生存,淘汰平庸,少數優異者的績效與熱情都會更高。◆絕對誠實養出信任與進步:犯錯不可怕,不知錯才是高風險。回饋列為會議表定流程,用善意誠實回饋、幫彼此從優秀變傑出,才夠格成為團隊一份子,大聲認錯、小聲慶祝。訊息公開曬在大家眼前,全員讀財報,大家都是共同承擔的一份子。◆高度授權,效率與彈性優先:要快速創新,當責很重要。員工應該是能負責的大人,沒有服裝規定也不會有人裸體上班。充分資訊、安心授權,幫助每個人勇敢下賭注,建立「以公司最大利益為考量」的共識,分散決策,更能養成創業家精神。Netflix就是未來趨勢!每個時代,都有領先掌握想望、定義未來的企業。掌握新的運作法則,搶先成為新競爭中的贏家!本中文書介出自《零規則: 高人才密度X完全透明X最低管控, 首度完整直擊Netflix圈粉全球的關鍵祕密》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版"
作者介紹 Reed HastingsReed Hastings is an entrepreneur who has revolutionised entertainment since co-founding Netflix in 1997, serving as its chairman and CEO since 1999. His first company, Pure Software, was launched in 1991 and acquired just before Netflix was launched. Reed served on the California State Board of Education from 2000 to 2004 and is an active educational philanthropist. He has sat on the board of several educational organisations including Dreambox Learning, KIPP and Pahara. He received a BA from Bowdoin College in 1983 and an MSCS in artificial intelligence from Stanford University in 1988. Between Bowdoin and Stanford, Reed served in the Peace Corps as a volunteer teacher in Southern Africa.Erin MeyerErin Meyer is the author of The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business, and a professor at INSEAD, one of the world’s leading international business schools. Her work has appeared in Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and Forbes.com. In 2019, Erin was selected by the Thinkers50 as one of the fifty most influential business thinkers in the world. She received an MBA from INSEAD in 2004 and she currently lives in Paris, France. In 1994-95 Erin also served in the Peace Corps as a volunteer teacher in Southern Africa. Visit erinmeyer.com for more information.