Arjuna and the Hunter | 誠品線上

Arjuna and the Hunter

作者 Bharavi
商品描述 Arjuna and the Hunter:Kirātārjunīya,orArjunaandtheHunter,isoneofthegreatcourtepicsoftheSanskritliterarycanon.Writtenbythesixth-centurypoetBharavi,itisalsothefi


內容簡介 Kirātārjunīya, or Arjuna and the Hunter, is one of the great court epics of the Sanskrit literary canon. Written by the sixth-century poet Bharavi, it is also the first and most remarkable reinterpretation of a pivotal episode in the Mahābhārata, India’s ancient epic. The warrior Arjuna travels to the Himalayas to perform penance and win a boon from the god Shiva that will help his brothers, the Pandavas, overcome their enemies in righteous war. Appearing in the guise of a hunter, Shiva tests Arjuna’s courage in combat, ultimately reveals himself, and bestows upon the hero an invincible weapon.In Bharavi’s hands, the episode is turned into a masterful contemplation of heroic action, ethical conduct, ascetic discipline, and religious devotion―core values in India’s classical civilization and enduring themes in Indian literature. But the poem’s fame rests above all on its aesthetic achievement. With its elegant, epigrammatic verse, powerful imagery, dramatic speeches, and vivid descriptions, Arjuna and the Hunter, now made available for the first time in a complete English translation and accompanied by the Sanskrit original in the Devanagari script, will dazzle and move contemporary readers no less powerfully than its first courtly connoisseurs.


書名 / Arjuna and the Hunter
作者 / Bharavi
簡介 / Arjuna and the Hunter:Kirātārjunīya,orArjunaandtheHunter,isoneofthegreatcourtepicsoftheSanskritliterarycanon.Writtenbythesixth-centurypoetBharavi,itisalsothefi
ISBN13 / 9780674504967
ISBN10 / 0674504968
EAN / 9780674504967
誠品26碼 / 2681590136003
頁數 / 480
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14X3X20.8CM
級別 / N:無
