Jane Austen at Home | 誠品線上

Jane Austen at Home

作者 Lucy Worsley
商品描述 Jane Austen at Home:珍.奧斯汀逝世200周年前夕,回到我們最摯愛的小說家所生活的世界。「對奧斯汀與她的作品有一個新穎且獨特的見解,探索性別、創造力與家庭生活時,作


內容簡介 珍.奧斯汀逝世200周年前夕,回到我們最摯愛的小說家所生活的世界。「對奧斯汀與她的作品有一個新穎且獨特的見解,探索性別、創造力與家庭生活時,作者寫出了有別於他人的美麗作品。」- 電影《浮華一世情》原著小說作者Amanda Foreman跟著歷史學家Lucy Worsley的腳步,造訪奧斯汀的兒時居所、學校、假日去處、她所寄居的大大小小的房舍,還有醞釀出多本小說,也是她在生命邁向終結時,與母親、姊姊共住的地方。在這本奧斯汀的最新傳記中,作者仔細逡巡了小說家居住的地方,以及對奧斯汀別有意義的空間與事物,她如何把所住的地方描繪在小說場景中?對珍來說,她的居所既是歡愉之地也是一座監牢。在讀者們的印象中,珍的生活沒有所謂的高低起伏。但是,根據Lucy Worsley的最新研究與洞見,珍是個捍衛自由的熱情女性,一個寂寞的未婚女子,實際上可能有五次結婚的機會,但最終,她只願意駐足停留在親愛的達西先生身旁。On the eve of the bicentenary of Jane Austen's death, step back into the world in which our best-loved novelist lived. Historian Lucy Worsley visits Jane Austen's childhood home, her schools, her holiday accommodation, the houses both grand and small of the relations upon whom she was dependent, and the home she shared with her mother and sister towards the end of her life, where she wrote her many of her famous novels. This new telling of the story of Jane's life shows us how and why she lived as she did, examining the rooms, spaces and possessions which mattered to her, and the way in which home is used in her novels to mean both a place of pleasure and a prison. Jane famously lived a 'life without incident', but with new research and insights Lucy Worsley will reveal a passionate woman who fought for her freedom. A woman who, far from being a lonely spinster, in fact had at least five marriage prospects, but who in the end refused to settle for anything less than Mr Darcy.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Lucy Worsley歷史學家、作者、策展人也是電視節目主持人。曾於牛津研讀古代與現代史,在成為歷史皇家宮殿首席策展人之前,曾任職英格蘭遺產委員會。


書名 / Jane Austen at Home
作者 / Lucy Worsley
簡介 / Jane Austen at Home:珍.奧斯汀逝世200周年前夕,回到我們最摯愛的小說家所生活的世界。「對奧斯汀與她的作品有一個新穎且獨特的見解,探索性別、創造力與家庭生活時,作
ISBN13 / 9781473632240
ISBN10 / 1473632242
EAN / 9781473632240
誠品26碼 / 2681465353009
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X3.2CM
級別 / N:無
