The Myth of Sanity | 誠品線上

看見自己受的傷: 覺察深層的內在, 擁抱更完整的自己

作者 瑪莎.史陶特
商品描述 The Myth of Sanity:Whydoesagiftedpsychiatristsuddenlybegintotormenthisownbelovedwife?Howcananinety-poundwomancarryamassiveairconditionertothesecondfloorofherho


內容簡介 Why does a gifted psychiatrist suddenly begin to torment his own beloved wife? How can a ninety-pound woman carry a massive air conditioner to the second floor of her home, install it in a window unassisted, and then not remember how it got there? Why would a brilliant feminist law student ask her fiancé to treat her like a helpless little girl? How can an ordinary, violence-fearing businessman once have been a gun-packing vigilante prowling the crime districts for a fight?A startling new study in human consciousness, The Myth of Sanity is a landmark book about forgotten trauma, dissociated mental states, and multiple personality in everyday life. In its groundbreaking analysis of childhood trauma and dissociation and their far-reaching implications in adult life, it reveals that moderate dissociation is a normal mental reaction to pain and that even the most extreme dissociative reaction-multiple personality-is more common than we think. Through astonishing stories of people whose lives have been shattered by trauma and then remade, The Myth of Sanity shows us how to recognize these altered mental states in friends and family, even in ourselves. Why does a gifted psychiatrist suddenly begin to torment his own beloved wife? How can a ninety-pound woman carry a massive air conditioner to the second floor of her home, install it in a window unassisted, and then not remember how it got there? Why would a brilliant feminist law student ask her fianc� to treat her like a helpless little girl? How can an ordinary, violence-fearing businessman once have been a gun-packing vigilante prowling the crime districts for a fight?A startling new study in human consciousness, The Myth of Sanity is a landmark book about forgotten trauma, dissociated mental states, and multiple personality in everyday life. In its groundbreaking analysis of childhood trauma and dissociation and their far-reaching implications in adult life, it reveals that moderate dissociation is a normal mental reaction to pain and that even the most extreme dissociative reaction-multiple personality-is more common than we think. Through astonishing stories of people whose lives have been shattered by trauma and then remade, The Myth of Sanity shows us how to recognize these altered mental states in friends and family, even in ourselves.


作者介紹 Martha Stout, Ph.D. is a clinical instructor in psychology in the psychiatry department of Harvard Medical School and a clinical associate at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her seventeen-year private practice has specialized in the treatment of psychological trauma survivors. She lives in Boston and Cape Ann, Massachusetts.


書名 / The Myth of Sanity
作者 / 瑪莎.史陶特
簡介 / The Myth of Sanity:Whydoesagiftedpsychiatristsuddenlybegintotormenthisownbelovedwife?Howcananinety-poundwomancarryamassiveairconditionertothesecondfloorofherho
ISBN13 / 9780142000557
ISBN10 / 0142000558
EAN / 9780142000557
誠品26碼 / 2681100301006
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
