On Beauty | 誠品線上


作者 莎娣.史密斯
商品描述 On Beauty:對於你自己的生活你打算選擇什麼樣的工作維生?你打算選擇誰陪你共度你的一生?你真的相信你所堅持的信仰嗎?在生命中,什麼才算是最美的事情?你得到它了嗎?


內容簡介 Winner of the 2006 Orange Prize for fiction, another bestselling masterwork from the celebrated author of White Teeth Having hit bestseller lists from the New York Times to the San Francisco Chronicle, this wise, hilarious novel reminds us why Zadie Smith has rocketed to literary stardom. On Beauty is the story of an interracial family living in the university town of Wellington, Massachusetts, whose misadventures in the culture wars-on both sides of the Atlantic-serve to skewer everything from family life to political correctness to the combustive collision between the personal and the political. Full of dead-on wit and relentlessly funny, this tour de force confirms Zadie Smith's reputation as a major literary talent. Zadie Smith’s newest novel, Swing Time, was published by Penguin Press in November 2016. Winner of the 2006 Orange Prize for fiction, another bestselling masterwork from the celebrated author of White Teeth Having hit bestseller lists from the New York Times to the San Francisco Chronicle, this wise, hilarious novel reminds us why Zadie Smith has rocketed to literary stardom. On Beauty is the story of an interracial family living in the university town of Wellington, Massachusetts, whose misadventures in the culture wars—on both sides of the Atlantic—serve to skewer everything from family life to political correctness to the combustive collision between the personal and the political. Full of dead-on wit and relentlessly funny, this tour de force confirms Zadie Smith's reputation as a major literary talent.


各界推薦 對於你自己的生活你打算選擇什麼樣的工作維生?你打算選擇誰陪你共度你的一生?你真的相信你所堅持的信仰嗎?在生命中,什麼才算是最美的事情?你得到它了嗎?曾經以處女作《白牙》一鳴驚人的作家Zadie Smith,這次以第三本小說《On Beauty》再度入圍了英國年度布克獎的決選。主角Howard Belsey雖是研究林布蘭特的專家,自己卻一點也不喜歡林布蘭特。Howard Belsey是Wellington一所藝術學院的教授,他三十年前娶了一位曾經相當具有吸引力的美國女性Kiki,他們也生三個小孩,三個小孩對於生活與前途都有自己的意見與想法。Howard Belsey不禁開始思考他自己所謂的人生,Zadie Smith的《On Beauty》以大西洋兩案婚姻面對的衝突、家庭生活的現實面與人性的灰色與矛盾提出了不一樣的見解。 【2005年10月好讀推薦】札迪.史密斯新作節譯 二○○○年出版小說《白牙》之前,具有牙買加血統的札迪.史密斯(Zedie Smith)以在英國出版界聲名大噪,許多出版社爭取出版其未完成處女作的故事,至今仍為人津津樂道。今年九月新出版的On Beauty,是史密斯的第三部小說,故事描寫Belsey與Kipps兩個家庭,儘管父親因學術爭執相互交惡,其餘家人間卻發展出深厚的感情。史密斯自稱這本書的情節、文字風格皆以E. M. Foster的小說 Howard's End為底蘊,以向上世紀初的英國大文豪致敬。 On Beauty目前躋身英國布克獎決選名單,與《福樓拜的鸚鵡》作者Julian Barnes、《長日將盡》作者石黑一雄,同為獲獎呼聲最高的作者。以下節譯該書的第一章,以Belsey家長子 Jerome給父親寫的E-mail。 ■精采內文試閱【節譯】


作者介紹 Zadie Smith was born in Northwest London in 1975 and still lives in the area. She is the author of White Teeth, The Autograph Man, On Beauty, Changing My Mind, NW, and most recently Swing Time.


書名 / On Beauty
作者 / 莎娣.史密斯
簡介 / On Beauty:對於你自己的生活你打算選擇什麼樣的工作維生?你打算選擇誰陪你共度你的一生?你真的相信你所堅持的信仰嗎?在生命中,什麼才算是最美的事情?你得到它了嗎?
ISBN13 / 9780143037743
ISBN10 / 0143037749
EAN / 9780143037743
誠品26碼 / 2680215096005
頁數 / 454
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
