The Black Attack: Transform Black Disadvantages Into Rapid & Unexpected Success | 誠品線上

The Black Attack: Transform Black Disadvantages Into Rapid & Unexpected Success

作者 J. K. Martin
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Black Attack: Transform Black Disadvantages Into Rapid & Unexpected Success:BlackpeopleinAmerica,wanttostopfeelinglikeandbeingtreatedassecond-ratecitizens.


內容簡介 Black people in America, want to stop feeling like and being treated as second-rate citizens. They want to feel proud of who they are, where they have come from, and what they accomplish in their life. They want to feel loved, admired, and respected by their children, friends, family, coworkers, and strangers. The root cause of Black people not achieving all the success and admiration they want is their false ego. The false ego subconsciously blinds people from seeing their own faults in not achieving success and instead seeks to blame people and circumstances outside themselves. One problem our Black customers deal with is advancing their careers and getting higher-paying jobs. The villain "false ego" is making Black people feel helpless and hopeless in their lives. It is just plain wrong for our Black customers to be burdened with this problem because every human on Earth should have equal rights to achieve their desires in life, and it is insidious that the false ego distorts reality and hides the real path to wealth and happiness from people. Each and every person can relate to some degree about the current plight of Black people in America because everyone has felt disadvantaged, hurt, harmed, helpless, and hopeless at some point in their lives. Through decades of experience in upper levels of management in multi-billion-dollar companies, we have successfully helped multitudes of Black people continually advance their careers and earn much more money than they ever expected possible.Here are the 6 steps towards achieving your career advancement, earning more money, and transforming your life story into You being the Hero.1.) read this book2.) decide to accept a new story about your life that makes you a Hero3.) make a dream board 4.) agree to take ownership of the results in your life5.) learn how to accelerate your career and grow wealth 6.) buy this book as a gift for 12 other Black people to spread success through the Black community and give Black people more opportunities faster If you buy and use this book to increase your success, there is really nothing you can lose and nothing to fear. If you don't use this book for increasing your success, you risk continuing your current pains in life.Buy this book now. Read it and apply it. If you are not sure, buy the book and read it. If you think the actions in the book are not for you, simply return the book for a refund. There is no risk for you, only potential success for taking action now.If you read the book and take the actions, you will benefit from changes and improvements in your wealth, happiness, relationships, admiration from others, and pride. If you don't use this book, then you will continue experiencing the painful feelings of helplessness and hopelessness for future success and real happiness. Before using this book, our customers felt angry about themselves for being stuck and not being able to succeed more in life. After using this book, you will become the hero in your own life that everyone around you will admire because they see your growing success, happiness, and unstoppable attitude about your life.


書名 / The Black Attack: Transform Black Disadvantages Into Rapid & Unexpected Success
作者 / J. K. Martin
簡介 / The Black Attack: Transform Black Disadvantages Into Rapid & Unexpected Success:BlackpeopleinAmerica,wanttostopfeelinglikeandbeingtreatedassecond-ratecitizens.
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9798738826023
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9798738826023
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 70
重量(g) / 77.1
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 20.3X12.7X0.4CM
