The Bar 20 Three | 誠品線上

The Bar 20 Three

作者 Clarence E. Mulford
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Bar 20 Three:BookExcerpt:aybeforeit.Thebackbarwasashelfbackedbyanarrowmirrorrunningwellpastthemiddlehalf,andnohigherthannecessarytogivethebartenderaviewoft


內容簡介 Book Excerpt: ay before it. The backbar was a shelf backed by a narrow mirror running well past the middle half, and no higher than necessary to give the bartender a view of the room when he turned around, which he did but seldom. Round card-tables, heavy and crude, were scattered about the room and a row of chairs ran the full length along the other side wall. Several loungers sat at the tables, one of them an eastern tough, judging from his clothes, his peaked cap pulled well down over his eyes. At the farther end was a solid partition painted like a checkerboard and the few black squares which cunningly hid several peep holes were not to be singled out by casual observation. Those who knew said that they were closed on their inner side by black steel plates which hung on oiled pivots and were locked shut by a pin. At a table in front of the checkerboard were four men, one flung forward on it, his head resting on his crossed arms; another had slumped down on the edge of his chair, his chin on his chest, while the other tRead More


書名 / The Bar 20 Three
作者 / Clarence E. Mulford
簡介 / The Bar 20 Three:BookExcerpt:aybeforeit.Thebackbarwasashelfbackedbyanarrowmirrorrunningwellpastthemiddlehalf,andnohigherthannecessarytogivethebartenderaviewoft
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9798725360622
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9798725360622
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 248
尺寸 / 28.0X21.6X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 585.1
語言 / 3:英文
