REEFS | 誠品線上


出版社 禾廣娛樂股份有限公司
商品描述 REEFS:「重情重義的人才寫得出直達內心的歌曲,所以穿過那些狂暴的嘶吼之後,才會知道那些聲音的擁有者都有著溫暖的心。充滿生命力的律動切割著時間,悅耳輕快的旋律穿插


內容簡介 「重情重義的人才寫得出直達內心的歌曲,所以穿過那些狂暴的嘶吼之後,才會知道那些聲音的擁有者都有著溫暖的心。充滿生命力的律動切割著時間,悅耳輕快的旋律穿插在其中,接著帶領大家走入厚實的破音裡面,去盡情感受那些情感奔放的片刻,這是『羣島』獨一無二的風格。」--製作人/吳孟諺 From 微光群島/法蘭黛首張專輯《REEFS 珊瑚礁》與羣島進行了一場耗時兩年的長跑,在這段時間,團員們各自找尋著自我的方向,又再互相碰撞重新詮釋彼此,就像細胞的分裂與重生,分離再聚集於這片汪洋。「Hold we tight...and we will be okay.」專輯創作的概念從電影意象到詩詞文字、直述生命到反思社會,沒入暗礁之中尋找一絲微弱卻強韌的光線。在編曲上更加琢磨於節奏的變化與重組,利用樂句的設計配合著詞句的起伏,為使細節完整,添加了新的器樂與靈魂,五人之間巧妙的各取所需、互相佔領,最後相輔相成。此次羣島更邀請了來自台灣經典後搖滾樂團甜梅號(後更名為微光群島)與法蘭黛的鼓手-吳孟諺擔任專輯製作人,除了拓展編曲的視野,也讓羣島的節奏更加豐富與細膩。《REEFS 珊瑚礁》既是自我對話又是探索社會,但同時保有一點稚氣,我們就像小丑魚,求生於海中之島-珊瑚礁。ARCPLG jogged two years with their first album ‘REEFS’. During the time, they’re looking for their own purposes, collided and reinterpreted each other. It just like the division and rebirth of the cell, fall apart and got back together in the ocean.“Hold we tight...and we will be okay.”The concept of ‘REEFS’ inspired from the imagery of films to the words of poetry, from the declaration of life to the introspection of society, and sinking into the reef to find a slightly but strong light. In the composition, ARCPLG honing the variety and restructuring more, and design the phrase to match the ups and downs of lyrics. They also add a new instrument, new soul to make the details of creations more complete. Five of them took what they need and occupied, then complementary to each other. This time they also invited John Wu, the drummer of Shimmering Islands and Frandé from Taiwan, to be the producer to expand horizons of arranging and make the rhythm more abundant and fine. ‘REEFS’ is a self-dialogue and an explore from society, but keep some childish at the same time. We’re just like the clownfish, survive on the island, in the ocean, reefs.


作者介紹 群島(ARCPLG)/演唱者


書名 / REEFS
簡介 / REEFS:「重情重義的人才寫得出直達內心的歌曲,所以穿過那些狂暴的嘶吼之後,才會知道那些聲音的擁有者都有著溫暖的心。充滿生命力的律動切割著時間,悅耳輕快的旋律穿插
出版社 / 禾廣娛樂股份有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 324923186X
EAN / 4713249231864
誠品26碼 / 2681738769001
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無
