Astrakan Cafe | 誠品線上

Astrakan Cafe

作者 阿瑙爾.伯拉罕/ 伯拉罕三重奏
出版社 極光音樂有限公司
商品描述 Astrakan Cafe:TunisianoudvirtuosoAnouarBrahemcountsasoneofECM'smostimportant"discoveries"ofthelastdecade.Afterhishighlysuccessfultrans-culturalrecording"Thimar


內容簡介 Tunisian oud virtuoso Anouar Brahem counts as one of ECM's most important "discoveries" of the last decade. After his highly successful trans-cultural recording "Thimar", he returns to a more purely Middle Eastern music on "Astrakan Café", with the trio that has been his first priority for several years. The improvisational exchanges between Brahem, clarinettist Barbaros Erköse and percussionist Lassad Hosni are exceptionally fluid, and the atmospheres that they create by turns mysterious, hypnotic, dramatic...


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Anouar BrahemBarbaros ErköseLassad Hosni


書名 / Astrakan Cafe
作者 / 阿瑙爾.伯拉罕 伯拉罕三重奏
簡介 / Astrakan Cafe:TunisianoudvirtuosoAnouarBrahemcountsasoneofECM'smostimportant"discoveries"ofthelastdecade.Afterhishighlysuccessfultrans-culturalrecording"Thimar
出版社 / 極光音樂有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 1215949421
EAN / 0601215949421
誠品26碼 / 2680141044002
語言 / 99:無
級別 / N:無
