作者 | PART, ARVO |
出版社 | 極光音樂有限公司 |
商品描述 | KANON POKAJANEN (2CD):WorldpremiererecordingsofmusicforchoirbyArvoPärt,basedonthecanonofrepentanceoftheRussianOrthodoxChurch.ThecanonhadlongfascinatedtheEstoni |
作者 | PART, ARVO |
出版社 | 極光音樂有限公司 |
商品描述 | KANON POKAJANEN (2CD):WorldpremiererecordingsofmusicforchoirbyArvoPärt,basedonthecanonofrepentanceoftheRussianOrthodoxChurch.ThecanonhadlongfascinatedtheEstoni |
內容簡介 World premiere recordings of music for choir by Arvo Pärt, based on the canon of repentance of the Russian Orthodox Church. The canon had long fascinated the Estonian composer who finally decided to set it in its entirety in music written to mark the 750th anniversary of Cologne Cathedral. Pärt: "It took over two years to compose the Kanon pokajanen, and its hold on me did not abate until I had finished the score...That may explain why this music means so much to me." As writer Uwe Schweikert has noted, it is "music full of austere, painful beauty."
作者介紹 ■作者簡介Arvo PärtTõnu Kaljuste
作者 / | PART, ARVO |
簡介 / | KANON POKAJANEN (2CD):WorldpremiererecordingsofmusicforchoirbyArvoPärt,basedonthecanonofrepentanceoftheRussianOrthodoxChurch.ThecanonhadlongfascinatedtheEstoni |
出版社 / | 極光音樂有限公司 |
ISBN13 / | |
ISBN10 / | 8945783423 |
EAN / | 0028945783420 |
誠品26碼 / | 2631008659006 |
語言 / | 28:北歐語言 |
級別 / | N:無 |