DC Super Friends: Wonder Woman to the Rescue! | 誠品線上

DC Super Friends: Wonder Woman to the Rescue!

作者 Courtney Carbone
出版社 PlanetDash Media LLC
商品描述 DC Super Friends: Wonder Woman to the Rescue!:WonderWomanandtheDCSuperFriendsstarinthisall-newStepintoReadingbook.Girlsandboysages4to6willlovelearningaboutthem


內容簡介 Wonder Woman and the DC Super Friends star in this all-new Step into Reading book. Girls and boys ages 4 to 6 will love learning about the most iconic heroine of all time in this Step 2 leveled reader featuring a shiny foil cover—and press-out tiara and bracelets for kids to wear!


作者介紹 Courtney Carbone studied English and creative writing in the United States and Australia before becoming a children’s book writer and editor in New York City. She has written several books, including Darcy Swipes Left, srsly Hamlet, and Macbeth #killingit. Erik Doescher is an illustrator. His works include Batman’s Birthday Surprise! and Batman’s Hero Files.


書名 / DC Super Friends: Wonder Woman to the Rescue!
作者 / Courtney Carbone
簡介 / DC Super Friends: Wonder Woman to the Rescue!:WonderWomanandtheDCSuperFriendsstarinthisall-newStepintoReadingbook.Girlsandboysages4to6willlovelearningaboutthem
出版社 / PlanetDash Media LLC
ISBN13 / 9781101933084
ISBN10 / 1101933089
EAN / 9781101933084
誠品26碼 / 2681778233005
頁數 / 24
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0.4CM
級別 / N:無
