The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear | 誠品線上

巴斯克維爾的獵犬 恐怖谷

作者 柯南.道爾
商品描述 The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear:一隻如魔鬼般猙獰的獵犬困擾了巴斯克維爾家族三百餘年……自從這個家族的先祖雨果‧巴斯克維爾喪命於惡犬的利齒之下


內容簡介 一隻如魔鬼般猙獰的獵犬困擾了巴斯克維爾家族三百餘年…… 自從這個家族的先祖雨果‧巴斯克維爾喪命於惡犬的利齒之下後,這個家族每一位男主人都像是受到了詛咒一般,無法倖免。 陰雲籠罩的格林盆泥潭…… 傳說中的惡魔獵犬…… 巴斯克維爾家族的下一任繼承人亨利能夠逃脫這一劫難嗎? 在暗夜降臨的時候,大偵探福爾摩斯能否打破這一魔咒? 答案就在這裡…… 柯南道爾如是說: 對於一個算正的推理家而言,如果有人指給他事件的一個方面,他不僅能推斷出這個事件的各個方面,而且能夠推斷出由此將會產生的一系列後果。正如動物學家居維葉經過仔細思考就能根據一塊骨頭準確地描繪出一頭完整的動物一樣。本書中文書介出自《巴斯克維爾的獵犬》柿藤出版偵探小說歷史上最重要的經典之作! 伯爾斯通莊園的主人道格拉斯慘遭殺害,死者的頭顱被擊得粉碎。 窗台上留有血泥腳印,死者的身旁還放著一張卡片,上面清楚地寫著「V.V.341」的字樣…… 卡片是兇手留下來的嗎? 這是來自「恐怖谷」的死亡暗示嗎? 福爾摩斯解開了密碼,可是卻卷入了一宗離奇凶殺案中…… 在與邪惡勢力的較量當中,福爾摩斯能否佔到上風?讓我們拭目以待…… 柯南道爾如是說: 對於一個算正的推理家而言,如果有人指給他事件的一個方面,他不僅能推斷出這個事件的各個方面,而且能夠推斷出由此將會產生的一系列後果。正如動物學家居維葉經過仔細思考就能根據一塊骨頭準確地描繪出一頭完整的動物一樣。本書中文書介出自《恐怖谷》柿藤出版In this Macmillan Collector's Library edition, Sherlock scholar David Stuart Davies provides both an illuminating afterword and a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes stories.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.


作者介紹 Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859. After a rigorous Jesuit education, at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, he trained to be a doctor at Edinburgh University. Eventually he set up in medical practice in Southsea and, during the quiet periods between patients, he turned his hand to writing. Although Sherlock Holmes was Doyle's greatest creation, he believed his historical novels such as Micah Clarke and The White Company were of greater literary quality. He also created the irascible Professor Challenger in The Lost World and the comic French soldier Brigadier Gerard who appeared in a series of short stories. Doyle was knighted in 1902. Towards the end of his life he devoted much of his time to his belief in Spiritualism, using his writings as a means of providing funds to support his activities in this field. He died in 1930.


書名 / The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear
作者 / 柯南.道爾
簡介 / The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear:一隻如魔鬼般猙獰的獵犬困擾了巴斯克維爾家族三百餘年……自從這個家族的先祖雨果‧巴斯克維爾喪命於惡犬的利齒之下
ISBN13 / 9781909621749
ISBN10 / 1909621749
EAN / 9781909621749
誠品26碼 / 2681343279001
頁數 / 424
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15X9.3CM
級別 / N:無
