Facebook: The Inside Story of Mark Zuckerberg and the Social Network's Fight for Survival | 誠品線上

後臉書時代: 完整解讀社群霸主從起步、成長、爭議到轉型, 每一步的選擇與思考

作者 史蒂芬.李維
商品描述 Facebook: The Inside Story of Mark Zuckerberg and the Social Network's Fight for Survival:《後臉書時代:完整解讀社群霸主從起步、成長、爭議到轉型,每一步的選擇與


內容簡介 最高採訪權限,九次親訪祖克柏,歷時三年深入訪談臉書核心團隊頂尖科技記者第一手揭露臉書策略背後的性格與決策文化領先分析祖克柏邁向元宇宙的趨力與企圖美國調查單位了解臉書的關鍵讀物《金融時報》2020年最佳科技新書《經濟學人》《華爾街日報》《舊金山紀事報》等媒體盛讚《華盛頓郵報》:「全美最頂尖科技新聞工作者。」《紐約時報》:「以最近距離看見貪得無厭的野心。」作者史蒂芬‧李維獲得前所未有的採訪權限,長達三年貼身研究臉書,親訪祖克柏本人九次,並且深入採訪桑德伯格等核心高層,更訪問數百位員工與相關人士,為這家公司寫下最詳實完整的紀錄,甚至成為美國調查臉書的立法與監管單位人手一本的關鍵讀物。性格,決定命運。每一個成功背後,都有代價。「人們愛偷窺的程度超乎想像。」祖克柏在哈佛就從人類行為模式看出商機,做出爆紅網站,更是新創典範,快速成為地表最大社群帝國,但臉書也在攀至巔峰之後,開始付出慘痛代價。-以成長為優先要務,忽視內容品管,造成惡意、歧視、暴力內容猖獗;-穩抓龐大廣告商機,卻不斷侵犯隱私底線,用戶從此沒有祕密;-為了吸引開發者,過度寬鬆的公司政策導致史上最大個資外洩災難;-全球最強大瘋傳引擎,卻也成為假新聞快速傳播、操弄選舉的最強利器;-靠精準眼光併購潛力競爭者,成為市場最大玩家,卻成為反壟斷最大目標。本書將臉書十幾年來的決策,整理出清晰脈絡,讓我們看懂臉書今日的成功與失敗背後的原因。這家市值破兆、財務表現屢創新高的公司,卻逐漸失去信任,成為邪惡代名詞。祖克柏在這樣的危機中,更突然宣布改名Meta,全力發展元宇宙,背後又有何打算?要了解臉書的下一步,就要從頭理解它走過的每一步。「李維是科技新聞報導界的大師級人物,很少有人既能接觸企業高層,又能以數十年矽谷經驗,提出一針見血的觀察。揭曉了一家橫衝直撞的年輕公司,在握有改變世界的力量後產生的重大後果。」──《貝佐斯傳》作者史東(Brad Stone)讀者五星好評迴響「比驚悚片更刺激的商業故事。每一個當下看似正確的決定,都預示了未來的災難後果。……你可以在書中看見許多不可逆的決策,長年累積,造就我們今天的世界。」「接受臉書旗下所有app的服務條款前,先讀這本書吧!……書中提到許多我從來不知道的事實。」「這家公司決定了我們如何溝通。了解臉書的經營思維、各種決策的歷史脈絡,才能真正理解今日有關個資與隱私的複雜問題。」本中文書介出自《後臉書時代: 完整解讀社群霸主從起步、成長、爭議到轉型, 每一步的選擇與思考》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版One of the Best Technology Books of 2020—Financial Times“Levy’s all-access Facebook reflects the reputational swan dive of its subject. . . . The result is evenhanded and devastating.”—San Francisco Chronicle“Levy’s evenhanded conclusions are still damning.”—Reason“He doesn’t shy from asking the tough questions.”—The Washington Post“Reminds you the HBO show Silicon Valley did not have to reach far for its satire.”—NPR.org The definitive history, packed with untold stories, of one of America’s most controversial and powerful companies: FacebookAs a college sophomore, Mark Zuckerberg created a simple website to serve as a campus social network. Today, Facebook is nearly unrecognizable from its first, modest iteration. In light of recent controversies surrounding election-influencing “fake news” accounts, the handling of its users’ personal data, and growing discontent with the actions of its founder and CEO—who has enormous power over what the world sees and says—never has a company been more central to the national conversation. Millions of words have been written about Facebook, but no one has told the complete story, documenting its ascendancy and missteps. There is no denying the power and omnipresence of Facebook in American daily life, or the imperative of this book to document the unchecked power and shocking techniques of the company, from growing at all costs to outmaneuvering its biggest rivals to acquire WhatsApp and Instagram, to developing a platform so addictive even some of its own are now beginning to realize its dangers.Based on hundreds of interviews from inside and outside Facebook, Levy’s sweeping narrative of incredible entrepreneurial success and failure digs deep into the whole story of the company that has changed the world and reaped the consequences."


作者介紹 Steven LevySteven Levy is Wired's editor at large. The Washington Post has called him ""America's premier technology journalist."" His previous positions include founder of Backchannel and chief technology writer and senior editor for Newsweek. Levy has written seven previous books and has written for Rolling Stone, Harper's Magazine, Macworld, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, The New Yorker, and Premiere. Levy has also won several awards during his thirty-plus years of writing about technology, including for his book Hackers, which PC Magazine named the best sci-tech book written in the last twenty years; and for Crypto, which won the grand e-book prize at the 2001 Frankfurt Book Fair.


書名 / Facebook: The Inside Story of Mark Zuckerberg and the Social Network's Fight for Survival
作者 / 史蒂芬.李維
簡介 / Facebook: The Inside Story of Mark Zuckerberg and the Social Network's Fight for Survival:《後臉書時代:完整解讀社群霸主從起步、成長、爭議到轉型,每一步的選擇與
ISBN13 / 9781524746834
ISBN10 / 1524746835
EAN / 9781524746834
誠品26碼 / 2681819265002
頁數 / 592
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.2X22.8X1CM
級別 / N:無
