Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | 誠品線上

富爸爸, 為什麼有錢人越來越有錢?

作者 羅勃特.T.清崎
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Why the Rich Are Getting Richer:《富爸爸,有錢人為什麼越來越有錢?到底什麼才是真正的財商教育?》Inthisbook,thereaderwilllearnwhythegapbetweentherichandeveryoneels


內容簡介 奠基於暢銷二十餘年《富爸爸,窮爸爸》,更進階的致富教材!如果你讀過《富爸爸,窮爸爸》,如果你想更深入了解如何利用稅賦合法地讓自己更富有,如果你想徹底學習如何運用負債讓自己更富有,如果你想擺脫又忙又窮的死循環人生、真正擁有富人的腦袋,那你一定得讀《富爸爸,有錢人為什麼越來越有錢?》!從小父母師長都會這樣教育我們:「好好上學唸書才能找到一份好工作,認真工作你才能賺到錢,賺的錢要還清貸款, 存錢儲蓄,購屋置產,長期投資於股票市場之中」但,殘酷的真相是: 這些已經再也無法帶領我們走向「從此過著快樂生活」的美麗結局。反觀有錢人為什麼越來越有錢? 因為他們懂得如何利用債務和稅賦,幫助自己變得更富有!羅勃特‧T‧清崎,以本書震撼提出他長期以來的研究和寶貴實戰經驗,奠基於暢銷20餘年的《富爸爸,窮爸爸》,讓本書成為更進階的致富教材,為每一位追求財務自由的讀者開啟一條最新、更快、更有效的學習道路,深刻地省思並接受「真正的財商教育」,你才「真正」有機會在這個低利率時代中突破窮人迴圈。本中文書介出自《富爸爸, 有錢人為什麼越來越有錢? 到底什麼才是真正的財商教育?》英屬維京群島商高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司出版It's Robert Kiyosaki's position that, 'It is our educational system that causes the gap between the rich and everyone else.' He laid the foundation for many of his messages in the international best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad - the #1 personal finance book of all time - and in Why the Rich Are Getting Richer, he makes his case... In this book, the reader will learn why the gap between the rich and everyone else grows wider; why savers are losers; why debt and taxes make the rich richer; why traditional education actually causes many highly educated people - such as Robert's poor dad - to live poorly. In this book, the reader will find out why going to school, working hard, saving money, buying a house, getting out of debt, and investing for the long term in the stock market is the worst financial advice for most people. In this book, the reader will find out why real financial education may never be taught in schools. In this book, Robert shares the answers found on his life-long search, after repeatedly asking the question, 'When will we learn about money?' In this book, the reader will find out 'What financial education is... really.'"


書名 / Why the Rich Are Getting Richer
作者 / 羅勃特.T.清崎
簡介 / Why the Rich Are Getting Richer:《富爸爸,有錢人為什麼越來越有錢?到底什麼才是真正的財商教育?》Inthisbook,thereaderwilllearnwhythegapbetweentherichandeveryoneels
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781612680972
ISBN10 / 1612680976
EAN / 9781612680972
誠品26碼 / 2681701928008
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無