內容簡介 快速秒懂天文學,200個快速理解天文學的關鍵知識如果星星殞落會發生什麼事?太陽系中到底有多少小行星?星系之間會互相碰撞嗎?什麼是暗能量?快速秒懂天文學精選200個天文關鍵知識,以簡單易懂的圖說,帶領讀者一同深入理解天文學的大小事。從特洛伊小行星到恆星黑洞、超星系團到宇宙微波背景輻射,一同翱翔在變幻莫測的宇宙之旅。從黑夜中的點點繁星及星座開始,再深入理解星球及宇宙發展,全書以清楚的圖說幫助讀者快速理解高深複雜的天文科學,適合所有熱愛天文學及嘗試搞懂天文學的讀者。內容包括:天球、南魚座、地月系、伊奧及甘尼米德、古柏帶,、測量恆星性質、紅矮星及橙矮星、疏散星團、行星狀星雲、超新星爆發殘留物、宇宙擴張、似星體和耀類星體、核聚變及人擇原理等。 What happens when a star dies? How many asteroids are in our solar system? Can galaxies collide? What is dark energy? Astronomy in Minutes answers all these questions and more as it condenses 200 key concepts into easily digestible essays.From Trojan asteroids to stellar black holes, and from superclusters to cosmic microwave background, this book will take you on an essential tour around the universe. Beginning with the specks and constellations that we see in the night sky, and then zooming in on the objects and 'matter' beyond the naked eye, Astronomy in Minutes draws on established theories and recent research. Each essay is accompanied by an image or a clear diagram to help unravel complex ideas. Beginning with the constellations and finishing with the latest cosmological theories, this is the perfect reference guide to this fascinating subject.Contents include: The celestial sphere, Piscis Austrinus, the Earth-Moon system, Io and Ganymede, Kuiper Belt Objects, Measuring stellar properties, Nuclear fusion, Red and orange dwarfs, Open star clusters, Planetary nebulae, Supernova remnants, Cosmic expansion, Quasars and blazars, Nature of spacetime, Nucleosynthesis and the Anthropic Principle.