If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad? | 誠品線上

If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad?

作者 Avery Neal
商品描述 If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad?:你是否總是懷疑、責怪自己?不管當下情況如何,總是自己在道歉?常常感到沮喪、憤怒?如果你覺得這是你的人生寫照,別急著焦慮


內容簡介 你是否總是懷疑、責怪自己?不管當下情況如何,總是自己在道歉?常常感到沮喪、憤怒?如果你覺得這是你的人生寫照,別急著焦慮,因為你並不孤單!作者Avery Neal是美國Women's Therapy Clinic的創辦人,在本書中她說明這些都是受到霸凌的結果,這種霸凌很微量,但累積起來卻是沉重的負擔,有相當多的人都生活在這樣的霸凌之下。操控、欺騙、無禮,這些霸凌都不會在身體表面上留下軌跡,但卻會在受害人心裡留下非常大的陰影,Neal告訴你如何分辨微量霸凌的警訊,當你了解了當下的狀況,就準備好要為自己挺身而出、做出改變,走出自我懷疑!"The message Avery Neal conveys in this book couldn't be more timely."From the Foreword by Lois P. Frankel, New York Times bestselling author of Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner OfficeAre you a victim of subtle abuse? Are you always the one apologising or constantly questioning and blaming yourself? Do you often feel confused, frustrated, and angry?If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're not alone. Nearly half of all women-and men-experience psychological abuse without realizing it. Manipulation, deception and disrespect leave no physical scars, but they can be just as traumatic as physical abuse.In this ground-breaking book, Avery Neal, founder of the Women's Therapy Clinic, helps you recognize the warning signs of subtle abuse. As you learn to identify patterns that have never made sense before, you will be better equipped to make changes.From letting go of fear to setting boundaries, whether you're gathering the courage to finally leave or learning how to guard against a chronically abusive pattern, If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad? will help you enjoy a happy, healthy, fulfilling life, free of shame or blame."The new gold standard in abuse recovery, allowing readers to break free from old patterns and reclaim their lives."Jackson MacKenzie, author of Psychopath Free


書名 / If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad?
作者 / Avery Neal
簡介 / If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad?:你是否總是懷疑、責怪自己?不管當下情況如何,總是自己在道歉?常常感到沮喪、憤怒?如果你覺得這是你的人生寫照,別急著焦慮
ISBN13 / 9781472142726
ISBN10 / 1472142721
EAN / 9781472142726
誠品26碼 / 2681698454009
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.2X15.3X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
