Notes of a Crocodile | 誠品線上


作者 邱妙津
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Notes of a Crocodile:時隔十二年,太早棄世的青年作家邱妙津最重要的長篇小說,全新改版推出!邱妙津人生中最熾熱的一部長篇小說;也是台灣20世紀末不應忽視的同志文學收


內容簡介 時隔十二年,太早棄世的青年作家邱妙津最重要的長篇小說,全新改版推出!邱妙津人生中最熾熱的一部長篇小說;也是台灣20世紀末不應忽視的同志文學收穫。宛如從來都遭刻意視而不見的暗綠色地心燐火,一隻披著人皮的鱷魚,在校園生活與情慾關係的冰必底層,悄然地、孤絕地滑動著感覺逐漸消失的四肢.....不要再相互靠近,毀滅不會終止的。在你的未來,我想告訴你:打破任何我讓你產生的想像,努力去愛一個人,但不要過份愛一個人,適度地愛,也不能完全不愛,那種愛足夠讓你知道現實裡怎樣作對他才是好的,那種愛足夠讓你有動力竭盡所能善待對方。即使你因而不愛我了,但沒有關係,我希望你現在和未來活得好,那就是努力去愛別人,雖然我可能無法完全免於悲傷從前,我相信每個男人一生中在深處都會有一個關於女人的「原型」,他最愛的就是那個像他「原型」的女人。雖然我是個女人,但是我深處的「原型」也是關於女人。一個「原型」的女人,如高峰冰寒地凍瀕死之際升起最美的幻覺般,潛進我的現實又逸出。我相信這就是人生絕美的「原型」,如此相信四年。花去全部對生命最勇敢也最誠實的大學時代,只相信這件事……。邊緣的生命地帶;糾結的同性情慾,在冷、冷、冷的灰域之間,傾聽邱妙津--一隻寂寞鱷魚的真摯告白……。本書也台灣在二十世紀末以來,極為重要的同性戀小說。「鱷魚」可以說是作者自己的化身,是披著人皮的「偽裝的人類」--這件人皮是鱷魚的束縛,是邱妙津的束縛,也是所有同性戀者的束縛,書中單數章節以七個男女主角的同性戀、雙性戀的情欲、精神世界為主軸,通過解放的性及性別觀點,企圖為八○年代新生代青年作全新的精神分析。雙數章節則以一擬人化鱷魚的獨白,另組合成獨立於單數章節之外的寓言,諷刺、影射「鱷魚╱性異常者」在人類社會孤獨、受壓迫的命運。單數、雙數章節以不同材料、敘述手法的雙結構牽動出同一主題的心理及政治層面。※中文書介出自《鱷魚手記》The English-language premiere of Qiu Miaojin's coming-of-age novel about queer teenagers in Taiwan, a cult classic in China and winner of the 1995 China Times Literature Award.An NYRB Classics OriginalSet in the post-martial-law era of late-1980s Taipei, Notes of a Crocodile is a coming-of-age story of queer misfits discovering love, friendship, and artistic affinity while hardly studying at Taiwan’s most prestigious university. Told through the eyes of an anonymous lesbian narrator nicknamed Lazi, this cult classic is a postmodern pastiche of diaries, vignettes, mash notes, aphorisms, exegesis, and satire by an incisive prose stylist and major countercultural figure.Afflicted by her fatalistic attraction to Shui Ling, an older woman, Lazi turns for support to a circle of friends that includes a rich kid turned criminal and his troubled, self-destructive gay lover, as well as a bored, mischievous overachiever and her alluring slacker artist girlfriend. Illustrating a process of liberation from the strictures of gender through radical self-inquiry, Notes of a Crocodile is a poignant masterpiece of social defiance by a singular voice in contemporary Chinese literature.


作者介紹 Qiu Miaojin (1969–1995)—one of Taiwan’s most innovative literary modernists, and the country’s most renowned lesbian writer—was born in Chuanghua County in western Taiwan. She graduated with a degree in psychology from National Taiwan University and pursued graduate studies in clinical psychology at the University of Paris VIII. Her first published story, “Prisoner,” received the Central Daily News Short Story Prize, and her novella Lonely Crowds won the United Literature Association Award. While in Paris, she directed a thirty-minute film called Ghost Carnival, and not long after this, at the age of twenty-six, she committed suicide. The posthumous publications of her novels Last Words from Montmartre and Notes of a Crocodile made her into one of the most revered countercultural icons in Chinese letters. After her death in 1995, she was given the China Times Honorary Prize for Literature. In 2007, a two-volume edition of her Diaries was published, and in 2017 she became the subject of a feature-length documentary by Evans Chan titled Death in Montmartre.Bonnie Huie is the recipient of a PEN Heim Translation Fund Grant. Her rendition of Motojirō Kajii’s story “Under the Cherry Blossoms” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and she has also translated the work of Tatsuhiro Ōshiro. Her writings and translations appear in The Brooklyn Rail, Kyoto Journal, and Afterimage. Huie lives in New York.


書名 / Notes of a Crocodile
作者 / 邱妙津
簡介 / Notes of a Crocodile:時隔十二年,太早棄世的青年作家邱妙津最重要的長篇小說,全新改版推出!邱妙津人生中最熾熱的一部長篇小說;也是台灣20世紀末不應忽視的同志文學收
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781681370767
ISBN10 / 168137076X
EAN / 9781681370767
誠品26碼 / 2681460566008
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X12.5CM
級別 / N:無
