Universal Tarot Professional | 誠品線上

Universal Tarot Professional

作者 Lo Scarabeo
出版社 Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
商品描述 Universal Tarot Professional:Thisprofessional-qualitydeckisamustforthosewhoneedtheircardstostanduptoheavyuse.Thelargercardsmakethedetailsoftheimageseasiertosee


內容簡介 This professional-quality deck is a must for those who need their cards to stand up to heavy use. The larger cards make the details of the images easier to see, and the high-quality card stock ensures a long life. Containing all the elements of the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, this deck is perfect for professional readers, teachers, workshop leaders, and serious students. Readers will recognize familiar scenes while being delighted by the uncluttered adaptations and sophisticated use of color.


作者介紹 Lo Scarabeo's Tarot decks have been acclaimed all over the world for originality and quality. With the best Italian and international artists, each Lo Scarabeo deck is an exceptional artistic value. Commited to developing innovative new decks while preserving the rich tradition of Tarot, Lo Scarabeo continues to be a favorite among collectors and readers. Llewellyn is the exclusive distributor of Lo Scarabeo products in North America.


書名 / Universal Tarot Professional
作者 / Lo Scarabeo
簡介 / Universal Tarot Professional:Thisprofessional-qualitydeckisamustforthosewhoneedtheircardstostanduptoheavyuse.Thelargercardsmakethedetailsoftheimageseasiertosee
出版社 / Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
ISBN13 / 9788865275207
ISBN10 / 0738757578
EAN / 9788865275207
誠品26碼 / 2681893216006
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X12.7X5.6CM
級別 / N:無
