The Travelling Cat Chronicles | 誠品線上

The Travelling Cat Chronicles

作者 Hiro Arikawa
商品描述 The Travelling Cat Chronicles:日本讀者票選No.1最受歡迎的女作家有川浩最令人感動落淚的作品!日本《達文西》雜誌2013「BOOKOFTHEYEAR」第3名!AMAZON書店讀者4.6顆星一


內容簡介 日本讀者票選No.1最受歡迎的女作家有川浩最令人感動落淚的作品!日本《達文西》雜誌2013「BOOK OF THE YEAR」第3名!AMAZON書店讀者4.6顆星一致好評!已改編成繪本、舞台劇和廣播劇!可以遇見你,僅只如此,就能讓我感受到巨大的幸福。畫貓名家 妙卡卡 特別繪製書封沒事的、沒事的,我小心翼翼一遍又一遍舔著他的手。我怎麼有辦法離開你,我們永遠都會在一起……我和悟,原本只是不即不離的泛泛之交而已,直到一次車禍意外,讓原本是野貓的我,從此成了悟的貓。身為貓的室友,悟是無可挑剔的人類;身為人類的室友,我也是無可挑剔的貓。五年來,我們真的相處得非常融洽。但是有一天,悟卻突然對我說:「對不起啊,事情變成這樣,真的對不起。我並不想丟下你的。」悟因為某種不明的原因,必須將我送給別人。別再說了,人生就是無法順遂如意啊,雖然我是「貓生」。於是一貓一人,開始踏上尋找新飼主的托貓之旅。這將是我們最後的旅行,而我那「7」字形的鉤狀尾巴,一定會將沿途看見的動人風景和溫暖人情都吸引過來。我們陸續拜訪了繼承老家照相館、老婆離家出走中的國小同學幸介;性格粗獷豪爽、現在在當農夫的國中同學吉峯;以及在富士山腳下經營寵物民宿的高中好友杉與妻子千佳子……悟拚了命地尋找願意收養我的對象,卻在每一次失敗後,都如釋重負地帶著我回家。在旅途的尾聲,悟壓低聲音哭泣著對我說:「不要丟下我……留在我身邊吧。」悟終於說出了真心話。我一直都知道悟有這種想法。「我怎麼可能想丟下你,我最喜歡你了啊,笨蛋!」RECOMMENDED BY THOUSANDS OF INTERNATIONAL READERS - the tender beautiful story of a man's journey around Japan with a streetcat. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami.INCLUDES 6 EXQUISITE LINE-DRAWINGS'Delightful . . . the uniqueness of this book is its subtle yet persistent charm that insinuates itself into your heart long after the encounter has ended' FIONA MELROSE, author of MidwinterIt's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side.Nana is on a road trip, but he is not sure where he is going. All that matters is that he can sit beside his beloved owner Satoru in the front seat of his silver van. Satoru is keen to visit three old friends from his youth, though Nana doesn’t know why and Satoru won’t say.Set against the backdrop of Japan’s changing seasons and narrated with a rare gentleness and striking humour, Nana’s story explores the wonder and thrill of life’s unexpected detours. It is about the value of friendship and solitude, and knowing when to give and when to take. TRAVELLING CAT has already demonstrated its power to move thousands of readers with a message of kindness and truth. It slows, above all, how acts of love, both great and small, can transform our lives.


書名 / The Travelling Cat Chronicles
作者 / Hiro Arikawa
簡介 / The Travelling Cat Chronicles:日本讀者票選No.1最受歡迎的女作家有川浩最令人感動落淚的作品!日本《達文西》雜誌2013「BOOKOFTHEYEAR」第3名!AMAZON書店讀者4.6顆星一
ISBN13 / 9780857524195
ISBN10 / 0857524194
EAN / 9780857524195
誠品26碼 / 2681497026001
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5CM
級別 / N:無
