Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles-and All of Us | 誠品線上

Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles-and All of Us

作者 Rana Foroohar
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles-and All of Us:《金融時報》專欄作家與CNN評論員RanaForoohar對當今最大型科技公司所提出的控訴,譴責他


內容簡介 《金融時報》專欄作家與CNN評論員Rana Foroohar對當今最大型科技公司所提出的控訴,譴責他們掠劫了我們的資料、生活、社交網絡與心智。 「本書不僅探討因市場扭曲與獨佔事業權力所造成的經濟問題,它並且檢視了法規不足以控制的矽谷公司所造成的更廣大的影響。Foroohar所要展現的是”不可邪惡”曾經啟發了矽谷的巨人們,最後卻被遠遠地拋諸腦後。」- 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主Joseph E. Stiglitz Google成立之初,”不可邪惡”如同梵唱一般,是企業不斷強調的理念,它鼓舞人心的商標一直對未來傳達出烏托邦的願景:科技使這個世界變得更好、更安全且更繁榮。 很不幸地,Google等大型科技公司所追求的烏托邦看起來更反烏托邦,從數位監控、失去隱私、散播假資訊與仇恨的言論、對準弱勢的掠奪式演算法,一直到操控我們慾望的產品,這些科技企業成立至今,他們創始的理念並未實現。 是什麼原因造成現在的情況?當初散亂、有理念的新創事業如何變成貪婪的獨佔事業,用權力腐化選舉,掠劫我們所有的數據,掌握大部分企業財富的同時,又規避法規與賦稅?本書要告訴我們的就是這些科技大企業失去靈魂並吃掉我們午餐的故事。 作者有將近30年商業與科技的新聞經驗,透過善於報導的技巧與無人能比的管道,她陳述了像Google、臉書、蘋果與亞馬遜等大型科技公司如何將我們的資料與關注化為他們利益的來源。最後,她提出了我們可以抗拒的一項計畫,透過創造一個培育創新的架構,保護我們免於遭受數位科技陰暗面的影響。 A penetrating indictment of how today's largest tech companies are hijacking our data, our livelihoods, our social fabric, and our minds—from an acclaimed Financial Times columnist and CNN analyst “Don’t be evil” was enshrined as Google's corporate mantra back in its early days, when the company's cheerful logo still conveyed the utopian vision for a future in which technology would inevitably make the world better, safer, and more prosperous. Unfortunately, it's been quite a while since Google, or the majority of the Big Tech companies, lived up to this founding philosophy. Today, the utopia they sought to create is looking more dystopian than ever: from digital surveillance and the loss of privacy to the spreading of misinformation and hate speech to predatory algorithms targeting the weak and vulnerable to products that have been engineered to manipulate our desires. How did we get here? How did these once-scrappy and idealistic enterprises become rapacious monopolies with the power to corrupt our elections, co-opt all our data, and control the largest single chunk of corporate wealth—while evading all semblance of regulation and taxes? In Don't Be Evil, Financial Times global business columnist Rana Foroohar tells the story of how Big Tech lost its soul—and ate our lunch. Through her skilled reporting and unparalleled access—won through nearly thirty years covering business and technology—she shows the true extent to which behemoths like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon are monetizing both our data and our attention, without us seeing a penny of those exorbitant profits. Finally, Foroohar lays out a plan for how we can resist, by creating a framework that fosters innovation while also protecting us from the dark side of digital technology.


作者介紹 Rana Foroohar is global business columnist and associate editor for the Financial Times. She is also CNN's global economic analyst. Previously, Foroohar was the assistant managing editor in charge of business and economics at Time, as well as the magazine's economic columnist. She also spent 13 years at Newsweek, as an economic and foreign affairs editor and a foreign correspondent covering Europe and the Middle East. During that time, she was awarded the German Marshall Fund's Peter R. Weitz Prize for transatlantic reporting. She has also received awards and fellowships from institutions such as the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and the East-West Center. She is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


書名 / Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles-and All of Us
作者 / Rana Foroohar
簡介 / Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles-and All of Us:《金融時報》專欄作家與CNN評論員RanaForoohar對當今最大型科技公司所提出的控訴,譴責他
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593137444
ISBN10 / 0593137442
EAN / 9780593137444
誠品26碼 / 2681793337009
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
