Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day | 誠品線上

生時間: 高績效時間管理術

作者 傑克.納普/ 約翰.澤拉斯基
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day:全球暢銷書《Google創投認證!SPRINT衝刺計畫》的最佳搭檔再次出擊!《Google創投認證!SPRINT衝刺計畫》的兩位作者傑


內容簡介 全球暢銷書《Google創投認證! SPRINT衝刺計畫》的最佳搭檔再次出擊!《Google創投認證! SPRINT衝刺計畫》的兩位作者傑克‧納普和約翰‧澤拉斯致力於研究如何將時間和力氣發揮出最大的效果,過去幾年間已協助許多團隊、公司改變工作方式、解決原本看似找不出解答的問題。納普和澤拉斯這次將他們倆的經驗和研究結果,分析統整出一個只有四個步驟的每日工作架構,這個架構將會協助你在看似不停被新資訊、新科技追著跑的日常生活中,打造出一個適合的生存模式。但這本書並非是只有提供一種方法,而是可以依你的工作和生活型態來客製化最適合自己的架構。一早看著還空蕩蕩的行事曆時,可沒有人會說「就讓我們用各種會議來填滿它吧!」也不會有人一開電腦就說「我今天要在臉書上耗上一整天!」想要擺脫這種只能不停轉圈的生活模式,你需要這本書!'If you want to achieve more (without going nuts), read this book.' Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of HabitWhat if you could step off the hamster wheel and start taking control of your time and attention?As creators of Google Ventures' renowned 'design sprint', Jake and John have helped hundreds of teams solve important problems by changing how they work. Building on the success of these sprints and their experience designing ubiquitous tech products like Gmail and YouTube, they spent years experimenting with their own personal habits and routines, looking for ways to help individuals optimize their energy, focus, and time. Now they've packaged the most effective tactics into a four-step daily framework that anyone can use to systematically design their days.Making time isn't about radically overhauling your lifestyle; it's about making small shifts in your environment to liberate yourself from constant busyness and distraction. Make Time is a must-read for anyone who has ever thought 'if only there were more hours in the day...'


書名 / Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day
作者 / 傑克.納普 約翰.澤拉斯基
簡介 / Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day:全球暢銷書《Google創投認證!SPRINT衝刺計畫》的最佳搭檔再次出擊!《Google創投認證!SPRINT衝刺計畫》的兩位作者傑
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781984822437
ISBN10 / 1984822438
EAN / 9781984822437
誠品26碼 / 2681624936005
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14CM
級別 / N:無
