Co-Opetition | 誠品線上

競合策略: 商業運作的真實力量

作者 亞當.布蘭登伯格/ 貝利.奈勒波夫
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Co-Opetition:Nowavailableinpaperback,withanallnewReader'sguide,TheNewYorkTimesandBusinessWeekbestsellerCo-opetitionrevolutionizedthegameofbusiness.Withover40,0


內容簡介 Now available in paperback, with an all new Reader's guide, The New York Times and Business Week bestseller Co-opetition revolutionized the game of business. With over 40,000 copies sold and now in its 9th printing, Co-opetition is a business strategy that goes beyond the old rules of competition and cooperation to combine the advantages of both. Co-opetition is a pioneering, high profit means of leveraging business relationships.Intel, Nintendo, American Express, NutraSweet, American Airlines, and dozens of other companies have been using the strategies of co-opetition to change the game of business to their benefit. Formulating strategies based on game theory, authors Brandenburger and Nalebuff created a book that's insightful and instructive for managers eager to move their companies into a new mind set.


作者介紹 Adam M. Brandenburger holds positions at New York University as J.P. Valles Professor at the Stern School of Business, Distinguished Professor at the Tandon School of Engineering, Faculty Director of the NYU Shanghai Program on Creativity + Innovation, and Global Network Professor. Prior to this, he was a professor at Harvard Business School from 1987 to 2002.Barry J. Nalebuff is the Milton Steinbach Professor at the Yale School of Management. Nalebuff applies game theory to business strategy and is the cofounder of one of America's fastest-growing companies, Honest Tea.


書名 / Co-Opetition
作者 / 亞當.布蘭登伯格 貝利.奈勒波夫
簡介 / Co-Opetition:Nowavailableinpaperback,withanallnewReader'sguide,TheNewYorkTimesandBusinessWeekbestsellerCo-opetitionrevolutionizedthegameofbusiness.Withover40,0
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780385479509
ISBN10 / 0385479506
EAN / 9780385479509
誠品26碼 / 2611142555006
頁數 / 290
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
