Eugene Atget: Paris | 誠品線上

Eugene Atget: Paris

作者 Jean Claude Gautrand
商品描述 Eugene Atget: Paris:抓住舊時巴黎最後一抹風采的尤金.阿傑攝影集。尤金.阿傑(1857-1927)出生於法國西南的利布爾內,在嘗試學習油畫與戲劇後,最終在巴黎找到一生的興趣


內容簡介 抓住舊時巴黎最後一抹風采的尤金.阿傑攝影集。尤金.阿傑(1857-1927)出生於法國西南的利布爾內,在嘗試學習油畫與戲劇後,最終在巴黎找到一生的興趣:攝影。世紀之交的巴黎,正一步步地走進現代化當中。尤金.阿傑利用攝影記錄現代化之前的巴黎景象,其照片原本是畫家、建築師與舞台設計師的創作素材,生前沒有獲得廣大的名聲,死後卻透過攝影師曼.雷在達達與超現實主義藝術圈中聲名大噪,再藉由美國攝影師Berenice Abbott撰文介紹,進而影響美國社會寫實攝影師Walker Evans與英國攝影師Bill Brandt。做為一個城市漫遊者與攝影師,尤金.阿傑著迷於遊走在巴黎的大街小巷,是當代城市攝影的先驅。本書從阿傑檔案中,精選500幅照片,以紀念他觀察城市的傑出雙眼。街弄、店家、教堂、河岸、橋墩與拱廊,每張照片都喚起已消逝的巴黎景象。Paris promenade Eugène Atget s unique city portrait A flaneur and photographer at once, Eugène Atget (1857 1927) was obsessed with walking the streets. After trying his hand at painting and acting, the native of Libourne turned to photography and moved to Paris. He supplied studies for painters, architects, and stage designers, but became enraptured by what he called “documents” of the city and its environs. His scenes rarely included people, but rather the architecture, landscape, and artifacts that made up the societal and cultural stage. Atget was not particularly renowned during his lifetime but in the 1920s came to the attention of the Dada and Surrealist avant-garde through Man Ray. Four of his images, with their particular fusion of mimesis and mystery, appeared in the surrealist journal, La Révolution Surréaliste, while Ray and much of his artistic circle purchased Atget prints. His fame grew after his death, with several articles and a monograph by Berenice Abbott. Several leading photographers, including Walker Evans and Bill Brandt, have since acknowledged their debt to Atget. This fresh TASCHEN edition gathers some 500 photographs from the Atget archives to celebrate his oustanding eye for the urban environment and evocation of a Paris gone by. Down main streets and side streets, past shops and churches, through courtyards and arcades and the 20 arrondissements, we find a unique portrait of a beloved city and the making of a modern photographic master.


書名 / Eugene Atget: Paris
作者 / Jean Claude Gautrand
簡介 / Eugene Atget: Paris:抓住舊時巴黎最後一抹風采的尤金.阿傑攝影集。尤金.阿傑(1857-1927)出生於法國西南的利布爾內,在嘗試學習油畫與戲劇後,最終在巴黎找到一生的興趣
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836522304
ISBN10 / 3836522306
EAN / 9783836522304
誠品26碼 / 2681358976001
頁數 / 640
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X14CM
級別 / N:無
