The Middle Way: Faith Grounded in Reason | 誠品線上

The Middle Way: Faith Grounded in Reason

作者 The Dalai Lama
商品描述 The Middle Way: Faith Grounded in Reason:大師開示:達賴喇嘛談「中論」──信仰起於理解,慈悲方能快樂。本書中,達賴喇嘛以個人體驗,闡述佛家所說的「空」和「緣」,


內容簡介 大師開示:達賴喇嘛談「中論」──信仰起於理解,慈悲方能快樂。本書中,達賴喇嘛以個人體驗,闡述佛家所說的「空」和「緣」,讓讀者對於周遭萬物能有更深的體會。本書以樸實的語言,講述大乘佛教兩位宗師的法門。一是龍樹,達賴喇嘛藉其《中道》,探討「無我」、「緣起」、「因果」。二是宗喀巴,他利用宗喀巴的《三主要道》開示佛法,言簡意賅道出了如何在生活中修行、修心、修智慧、修慈悲。他鼓勵讀者要「頭腦清明,事事好奇,事事懷疑,仔細抽絲剝繭,找出信仰背後的正道。」本書作者丹增嘉措,為第十四世達賴喇嘛,也是西藏人民的精神領袖,但他總自稱為一介佛家弟子。本書譯者Thupten Jinpa Langri為藏傳佛教寺院中的讀經喇嘛,獲格西學位,相當於佛學博士。此外他還有劍橋大學的哲學學士以及宗教學博士學位。他是達賴喇嘛的專屬翻譯,陪他到美國、加拿大、歐洲各地參訪弘法,也替達賴喇嘛翻譯、編輯過許多著作,包含《藏傳佛教世界》(The World of Tibetan Buddhism)、《新千禧年的心靈革命》(Ethics for the New Millennium)等。


作者介紹 Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Born in northeastern Tibet in 1935, he was as a toddler recognized as the incarnation of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and brought to Tibet's capital, Lhasa. In 1950, Mao Zedong's Communist forces made their first incursions into eastern Tibet, shortly after which the young Dalai Lama assumed the political leadership of his country. In 1959, Chinese forces occupied the city, forcing His Holiness to escape to India. There he set up the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, working to secure the welfare of the more than 100,000 Tibetan exiles and prevent the destruction of Tibetan culture. In his capacity as a spiritual and political leader, he has traveled to more than sixty-two countries on six continents and met with presidents, popes, and leading scientists to foster dialogue and create a better world. In recognition of his tireless work for the nonviolent liberation of Tibet, the Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. In 2012, he relinquished political authority in his exile government and turned it over to democratically elected representatives. Thupten Jinpa Langri was educated in the classical Tibetan monastic academia and received the highest academic degree of Geshe Lharam (equivalent to a doctorate in divinity). Jinpa also holds a BA in philosophy and a PhD in religious studies, both from the University of Cambridge, England. Since 1985, he has been the principal English-language translator to the Dalai Lama. He has translated and edited many books by the Dalai Lama, including The World of Tibetan Buddhism, Essence of the Heart Sutra, and Ethics for the New Millennium. Jinpa has published scholarly articles on various aspects of Tibetan culture, Buddhism, and philosophy, and books such as Songs of Spiritual Experience (co-authored) and Self, Reality and Reason in Tibetan Thought. He serves on the advisory board of numerous educational and cultural organizations in North America, Europe, and India. He is currently the president and the editor-in-chief of the Institute of Tibetan Classics, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to translating key Tibetan classics into contemporary languages. He also currently chairs the Mind and Life Institute.


書名 / The Middle Way: Faith Grounded in Reason
作者 / The Dalai Lama
簡介 / The Middle Way: Faith Grounded in Reason:大師開示:達賴喇嘛談「中論」──信仰起於理解,慈悲方能快樂。本書中,達賴喇嘛以個人體驗,闡述佛家所說的「空」和「緣」,
ISBN13 / 9781614291565
ISBN10 / 161429156X
EAN / 9781614291565
誠品26碼 / 2680875963006
頁數 / 200
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無