Game of Thrones Mask: House Targaryen Dragon | 誠品線上

Game of Thrones Mask: House Targaryen Dragon

作者 Wintercroft
出版社 PlanetDash Media LLC
商品描述 Game of Thrones Mask: House Targaryen Dragon:戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》塔格利安家族的橘紅色噴火龍面具,你也可以成為領主丹妮莉絲。你的塔格利安血統在血火同源中


內容簡介 戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》塔格利安家族的橘紅色噴火龍面具,你也可以成為領主丹妮莉絲。你的塔格利安血統在血火同源中鍛造、純化並書寫於後世,超乎死亡的野獸血脈加深了賦予在你身上的對統御的追求。往日的豪門族徽在紅與黑當中悶燒,噴發出熾熱的瓦雷利亞末日幻象。以皮革般的雙翅,從過去疾飛至當下,帶著尖叫聲的恐懼沒入你生來注定要統治的人心中。三頭龍解開了奴役你的枷鎖,並且將你的名燒烙在部屬的心上。美麗白皙如同你不怕灼燒的肌膚,等在命運前的是自由與恐懼,你,就是塔格利安人。本禮物書包含:飾有精美浮雕的書盒,12頁說明小冊,16頁可用手直接剝下的面具組合模紙,由此便可製作出立體面具以及可直接掛在牆上的面具。準備些許膠帶與膠水,你便能拼出由知名紙藝製作公司Wintercroft向《冰與火之歌》致敬的美麗面具!Inspired by the sigil from the award-winning television series Game of Thrones, this official book contains a full-sized 3D House Tragaryen Dragon mask and wall mount. Assemble it yourself from the beautifully illustrated push-out pieces, then wear it, mount it on the wall, or simply admire it. And remember the House Targaryen motto: “Fire and Blood.”


作者介紹 Wintercroft is an innovative paper engineering company. Its low-poly face masks have been seen on the small screen in Homeland and Big Brother, and the company teamed up with the “What If They Lived” campaign to raise awareness about the need to protect endangered animals. Wintercroft has also made masks for music videos by Björk, Nagisa Kuroki, Basement Jaxx, and Conchita Wurst.


書名 / Game of Thrones Mask: House Targaryen Dragon
作者 / Wintercroft
簡介 / Game of Thrones Mask: House Targaryen Dragon:戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》塔格利安家族的橘紅色噴火龍面具,你也可以成為領主丹妮莉絲。你的塔格利安血統在血火同源中
出版社 / PlanetDash Media LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524799090
ISBN10 / 1524799092
EAN / 9781524799090
誠品26碼 / 2681505842005
頁數 / 44
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.8X26CM
級別 / N:無
