A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms | 誠品線上

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

作者 George R. R. Martin
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms:失去龍的坦格利安家族,歷經黑火叛亂、血鴉專政,一場王者的試煉,如何回歸,恢復昔日榮光……在美國幻想小說大師喬治‧R.R‧馬丁的史詩


內容簡介 奇幻文學大師喬治‧馬汀全新作品《雇傭騎士》、《誓言騎士》、《神祕騎士》隆重登場帶讀者回到《冰與火之歌》正傳前八十九年一窺維斯特洛大陸曾有的風平浪靜一探九大家族的明爭暗鬥一揭坦格利王朝的興衰一述騎士身分的為與不為失去龍的坦格利安家族,歷經黑火叛亂、血鴉專政,一場王者的試煉,如何回歸,恢復昔日榮光……在美國幻想小說大師喬治‧R.R‧馬丁的史詩奇幻經典著作《冰與火之歌》系列小說在台灣引發熱潮,繼續推出了《冰與火之歌外傳:七王國的騎士》,獻給期盼已久的冰火迷。故事最初是發生在《冰與火之歌》開篇前約八十九年,此時的維斯特洛大陸風平浪靜、一片祥和。「高個騎士」鄧肯懷揣著騎士大夢,和他的侍從、實則身分高貴的小男孩伊戈,一起遊歷世間,尋找圓夢的落腳處……一路行來,難擋命運的安排,看到黑火叛亂、目睹血鴉專政及貴族與騎士間盤錯的利益。更重要的是,他們一步步逼近坦格利安王朝的龍的祕密……消失在人間的龍,卻掌握統治權的龍之血脈,讓未來充滿不確定性。本書首度揭露「冰與火之歌外傳」——《雇傭騎士》《誓言騎士》《神祕騎士》三大故事,其內容不僅揭示了坦格利安王朝的興衰,並暗藏了九大家族的爭鬥,講述不該成王敗寇的真實人生。在跌宕起伏、意外橫生的故事發展中,各種騎士的命運變幻莫測,騎士的精神從而得到徹底展現,奇幻大師喬治‧馬汀在《冰與火之歌外傳:七王國的騎士》帶給讀者最原生、最草根的維斯特洛,並解謎血火同源的坦格利安家族。NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY LOS ANGELES TIMES AND BUZZFEED Taking place nearly a century before the events of A Game of Thrones, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R. R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A Song of Ice and Fire. These never-before-collected adventures recount an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living consciousness. Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne, there was Dunk and Egg. A young, naïve but ultimately courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals—in stature if not experience. Tagging along is his diminutive squire, a boy called Egg—whose true name is hidden from all he and Dunk encounter. Though more improbable heroes may not be found in all of Westeros, great destinies lay ahead for these two . . . as do powerful foes, royal intrigue, and outrageous exploits. Featuring more than 160 all-new illustrations by Gary Gianni, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a must-have collection that proves chivalry isn’t dead—yet. Praise for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms “Readers who already love Martin and his ability to bring visceral human drama out of any story will be thrilled to find this trilogy brought together and injected with extra life.”—Booklist “The real reason to check out this collection is that it’s simply great storytelling. Martin crafts a living, breathing world in a way few authors can. . . . [Gianni’s illustrations] really bring the events of the novellas to life in beautiful fashion.”—Tech Times


書名 / A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
作者 / George R. R. Martin
簡介 / A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms:失去龍的坦格利安家族,歷經黑火叛亂、血鴉專政,一場王者的試煉,如何回歸,恢復昔日榮光……在美國幻想小說大師喬治‧R.R‧馬丁的史詩
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524797089
ISBN10 / 1524797081
EAN / 9781524797089
誠品26碼 / 2681433192005
頁數 / 365
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14CM
級別 / N:無
