Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction | 誠品線上


作者 大衛.薛夫
商品描述 Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction:當一個父親拒絕放棄他的藥癮孩子時,曾經美麗的男孩,會不會回來?2005年薛夫將自己做為一個有安非他命


內容簡介 當一個父親拒絕放棄他的藥癮孩子時,曾經美麗的男孩,會不會回來?2005年薛夫將自己做為一個有安非他命藥癮孩子的父親心境發表於《紐約時報雜誌》上,以〈我的嗑藥兒子〉(My Addicted Son)為題。這篇文章引起熱烈的迴響,眾多讀者感激薛夫終於說出他們共有的慘痛經驗,並引起出版社注意,邀請他出書。書名引用約翰˙藍儂的〈美麗男孩〉,並以歌詞:「當你過街時,牽著我的手」呼應作父親的自我期許與對兒子的愛。此書2008年初上市,即躍登《紐約時報》暢銷書榜前三名,並且成為繼《再給我一天》、《長路漫漫:非洲童兵》之後又一感動人心的星巴克選書。這本描寫父親如何面對兒子走上歧途的非小說之所以大受歡迎,原因或許就如《拯救奧菲莉亞》(Reviving Ophelia)的作者瑪麗‧派佛(Mary Pipher)對《美麗男孩》的讚美:「當有人說出真相,便讓我們較容易打開心胸,坦誠面對自己和別人的痛苦。」一部坦誠到讓人心痛的回憶錄,第一本正面面對用藥青少年的家庭故事。「尼克日漸長大時,我以為我可以欣然接受他為自己人生做的任何選擇--而現在,我卻必須接受一個想法,根本不用去想最低微的正常或健康生活的定義是什麼,我兒子可能甚至活不到二十一歲。」我美麗的男孩發生了什麼事?我的家發生了什麼事?大衛‧薛夫心痛地渡過兒子尼克染上毒癮與艱辛嘗試戒毒的旅程,而在旅程中的每一刻,這些折磨人的問題始終縈繞不去。《美麗男孩》是一部驚人坦率的回憶錄,真切地刻畫出父母愛著似乎無藥可救的子女時,雲霄飛車般的劇烈情感起伏。尼克‧薛夫染上甲基安非他命的毒癮之前,是一個很迷人的男孩子,開心而幽默,是參加校隊的運動員,成績優秀的學生,備受兩個弟妹愛戴的哥哥。但在吸食甲基安非他命之後,他就變成渾身顫抖的行屍走肉,不斷撒謊,偷他八歲弟弟的錢,流落街頭。大衛‧薛夫在書中回溯一開始時任何細微的警告訊號:他對事實的否認、凌晨三點的電話(是尼克打來的嗎?還是警察?還是醫院?),和各個戒毒機構。他對尼克的過度關注最後也成為一種上癮,這樣執迷的擔憂和壓力造成嚴重的影響。但是身為記者,他出於本能地研究所有可能拯救他兒子的治療方法,拒絕放棄他。正如美國知名演員馬丁‧辛(Martin Sheen)讀後所說:「深愛一個上癮者--或本身就是上癮者--的我們都會發現《美麗男孩》帶來重大的啟示。大衛‧薛夫很清楚必須藉助信念承受的一切,而他這本傑出的書對這一切的描述,也比我讀過的任何文字都更深入。雖然《美麗男孩》坦白到令人心痛,但同時也樂觀而充滿力量。」本書借出自時報出版《美麗男孩》THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE, STARRING STEVE CARELL AND TIMOTHEE CHALAMET‘What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong?’Those are the wrenching questions that haunted every moment of David Sheff’s journey through his son Nic’s addiction to drugs and tentative steps toward recovery.Before Nic Sheff became addicted to crystal meth, he was a charming boy, joyous and funny, a varsity athlete and honor student adored by his two younger siblings. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who lied, stole, and lived on the streets.With haunting candour, David Sheff traces the first subtle warning signs: the denial, the 3am phone calls (is it Nic? the police? the hospital?), the attempts at rehab. His preoccupation with Nic became an addiction in itself, and the obsessive worry and stress took a tremendous toll.But as a journalist, he instinctively researched every avenue of treatment that might save his son and refused to give up on Nic. This story is a first: a teenager's addiction from the parent's point of view – a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope. Beautiful Boy is a fiercely candid memoir that brings immediacy to the emotional rollercoaster of loving a child who seems beyond help.Read the other side of Nic Sheff's bestselling memoir, Tweak.Praise for Beautiful Boy:-'A brilliant, harrowing, heartbreaking, fascinating story, full of beautiful moments and hard-won wisdom. This book will save a lot of lives and heal a lot of hearts'. Anne Lamott'An important book... moving, timely and startlingly beautiful.' Richard Branson


作者介紹 David SheffDavid Sheff's work has appeared in the New York Times, Outside, Rolling Stone, Wired, Fortuneand elsewhere. His piece for the New York Times Magazine, ""My Addicted Son"", received an award from the American Psychological Association for ""Outstanding Contribution to Advancing the Understanding of Addiction"".


書名 / Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction
作者 / 大衛.薛夫
簡介 / Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction:當一個父親拒絕放棄他的藥癮孩子時,曾經美麗的男孩,會不會回來?2005年薛夫將自己做為一個有安非他命
ISBN13 / 9781471177934
ISBN10 / 1471177939
EAN / 9781471177934
誠品26碼 / 2681680708004
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X3.7CM
級別 / N:無
