A Simple Favour | 誠品線上

A Simple Favour

作者 Darcey Bell
商品描述 A Simple Favour:就因為是好朋友,所以才如此危險。震撼全球驚悚小說新秀,讓人腎上腺素飆高之作。◎20世紀福斯36小時內搶下電影版權,2018年9月即將上映!電影將由《歌喉


內容簡介 就因為是好朋友,所以才如此危險。震撼全球驚悚小說新秀,讓人腎上腺素飆高之作。◎20世紀福斯36小時內搶下電影版權,2018年9月即將上映!電影將由《歌喉讚》安娜.坎卓克與《花邊教主》布蕾克.萊芙莉共同演出!◎版權售出24個國家,精采程度更勝《控制》與《列車上的女孩》!◎美國Goodreads權威書評網站超過千則熱評!◎書探形容:「劇情最峰迴路轉的懸疑小說」。我們恐怕得是一輩子的好朋友了,畢竟,你已知道太多關於我的秘密……故事從史蒂芬妮的部落格揭開序幕,她是單親媽媽,獨自養育兒子麥爾斯,在網路世界,她是意見領袖,總是光鮮亮麗地分享育兒生活點滴。某天她接到好友艾米莉的來電,請她幫忙接兒子放學。兩人不僅是好朋友,小孩們也是好朋友,對史蒂芬妮而言,這只是個舉手之勞,誰知艾米莉就此人間蒸發。警方調閱監視器後發現,她當天送丈夫尚恩去機場,並沒有搭上原訂飛往舊金山的班機,而是開車深入內陸。事件發生後,史蒂芬妮和尚恩相互扶持、漸生情愫,但好友下落不明,無法確知是否死亡,她不能也不願跨過那條界線......直到,警方在艾米莉父母的度假小屋附近發現一具女屍。單純的失蹤案從此變調,所有的黑暗秘密、對人心的控制與欺瞞,隨著女屍一一浮現。史蒂芬妮被難以啟齒的過往啃噬內心,尚恩則無法相信妻子真的死亡,至於艾米莉,她究竟遭逢什麼不測,為何丟下她完美的家庭與人生?這是一個關於背叛和秘密的故事。不到最後一刻,無法確定到底是誰欺騙了誰。《最好的朋友》是達希・貝爾的處女作,她以洗鍊鮮活的筆法,透過網路貼文與三位主角的第一人稱真實獨白,以生動筆法帶領讀者一步步拼湊出事件真相。A Simple Favour is a twisting free-fall ride filled with betrayal, reversal, secrets and revelations, love and loyalty. Darcey Bell ratchets up the tension in a taut, unsettling, and completely absorbing thriller that holds you in its grip until the final page.It starts with a simple favour – an ordinary kindness mothers do for one another.When her best friend, Emily, asks Stephanie to pick up her son from school she happily says yes.Their children are classmates and best friends. And five-year-olds love being together – just like she and Emily. As a widow and stay-at-home blogger mum living in suburban Connecticut, Stephanie was lonely until she met Emily, a glamorous and successful PR executive.The trouble is that Emily doesn't come back. No matter what the police say, Stephanie knows that she would never leave her son. Terrified, she reaches out to her fellow mummy bloggers.And she also reaches out to Emily's husband – just to offer her support.What Stephanie hasn't shared are the secrets buried in a murky past.For fans of Gone Girl and Big Little Lies, the film adaptation of the book stars Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively as the seemingly mismatched pair of best friends.


書名 / A Simple Favour
作者 / Darcey Bell
簡介 / A Simple Favour:就因為是好朋友,所以才如此危險。震撼全球驚悚小說新秀,讓人腎上腺素飆高之作。◎20世紀福斯36小時內搶下電影版權,2018年9月即將上映!電影將由《歌喉
ISBN13 / 9781529004052
ISBN10 / 1529004055
EAN / 9781529004052
誠品26碼 / 2681588849007
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無