Vivienne Westwood | 誠品線上

龐克教母: 薇薇安.魏斯伍德

作者 薇薇安.魏斯伍德/ 伊恩.凱利
商品描述 Vivienne Westwood:以反叛顛覆性格聞名的龐克教母VivienneWestwood,才剛在她倫敦的時尚秀中大聲支持蘇格蘭獨立,今年十月更首度出版自傳,由名傳記家IanKelly操刀,訪問


內容簡介 以反叛顛覆性格聞名的龐克教母 Vivienne Westwood,才剛在她倫敦的時尚秀中大聲支持蘇格蘭獨立,今年十月更首度出版自傳,由名傳記家Ian Kelly操刀,訪問黑珍珠Naomi Campbell等名人,揭露時尚教母令人歎為觀止的人生細節。 現年72歲高齡 Vivienne Westwood發跡於英國倫敦,本來是小學教師,沒有受過正規的時尚教育,卻因緣際會變身搖滾樂團的造型設計師,以性感、狂放不羈的撕裂T恤、補丁、繃帶等造型震驚世人,成為龐克年代的流行先驅。離開了第二段婚姻後,她更不斷地改變設計風格,轉為帶有歷史感的華麗與古典。 她不只是時尚設計師,同時也是社會運動者,倡議環保、人權,並擅長在自己的時尚秀中做政治表態,她曾穿著印有 “I’m Julian Assange” 的T恤聲援維基解密創辦人、也曾以70年代被監禁的印度激進分子 “Leonard Peltier Is Innocent.”,作為她2011年的設計靈感來源。 這本自傳中,將收錄有 Vivienne Westwood本人的親筆文章,而作者Ian Kelly也透露, Vivienne Westwood在訪談中的坦率與毫不保留,在在讓他驚訝地說不出話。透過這位時尚設計大師的傳奇故事,讀者將重新認識戰後英國,走入當時的時代氛圍、女性主義與時尚的世界。Vivienne Westwood is one of the icons of our age; fashion designer, activist, co-creator of punk, global brand and grandmother; a true living legend. Both her name and brand are recognised the world over, whilst at home in the UK she has attained National Treasure status as the nation's favourite fearless female icon.This is her story. Told for the first time in all its glamour and glory and with her unique voice, unexpected perspective and passionate honesty: 'The living deserve respect. The dead deserve the truth; Ian and I are working together on this and I am excited that this will be my story, the story nobody ever did before.'For the first and only time, she is both writing and collaborating on a unique personal memoir and authorised biography: partly her own voice, partly through contributions from her vast network of friends, family and associates. Ian Kelly (award-winning biographer of, amongst others, fashion maverick Beau Brummell and the original self-publicist, Giacomo Casanova) brings the insights of a historian and friend of Vivienne to the life and works of one of the major influences of our age in this wonderful, insightful collaboration.


作者介紹 Dame Vivienne Westwood is a leading fashion designer and political activist, largely responsible for bringing punk fashion into the mainstream. Ian Kelly is the prize-winning author of Beau Brummell, Casanova, and Cooking for Kings.


書名 / Vivienne Westwood
作者 / 薇薇安.魏斯伍德 伊恩.凱利
簡介 / Vivienne Westwood:以反叛顛覆性格聞名的龐克教母VivienneWestwood,才剛在她倫敦的時尚秀中大聲支持蘇格蘭獨立,今年十月更首度出版自傳,由名傳記家IanKelly操刀,訪問
ISBN13 / 9781447254140
ISBN10 / 1447254147
EAN / 9781447254140
誠品26碼 / 2681087524009
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無