The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead | 誠品線上

The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead

作者 Richard Branson
商品描述 The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead:當今之世,什麼樣特質的人最能成功?讓維珍集團的老闆理察‧布蘭森告訴你?維珍集團,英國知名品牌,橫跨唱片、娛


內容簡介 當今之世,什麼樣特質的人最能成功?讓維珍集團的老闆理察‧布蘭森告訴你?維珍集團,英國知名品牌,橫跨唱片、娛樂、航空、旅遊、珠寶、零售業。英國民調中心YOUGOV曾在2012年時針對全英國勞工調查,問他們最希望當誰的下屬?答案是維珍的老闆理察‧布蘭森(Richard Branson)。理察‧布蘭森縱橫商場四十餘年,不僅是商界指標,更率先投身各種人道關懷計畫。在這本《The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead》之中,理察將與讀者分享自己領導統御以及成功的秘密。書中有他從商多年發生的小故事,他也將談談自己從誰的身上獲得了啟發、有哪些心得。這些人不見得都是生意人,也有政治家、探險家、科學家和慈善家。本書跟傳統談領導能力的書不同,書中沒有教條規則,有的只是理察一路走來的點滴觀察與心得。不論你剛剛創業/就業,或者已是財星500大公司的主管,這本書教你如何當自己的CEO,也教你面對屬下時如何「帶人」,而不只是「管人」而已。In September 2012, a YOUGOV poll conducted in Britain found that the person British workers would most like as their manager was Sir Richard Branson.With over 40 years in business, Richard Branson is an inspiring pioneer of humanitarian projects and an iconic business leader. In The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead, Richard shares and distils his secrets of leadership and success. Featuring anecdotes from his own business dealings, as well as his observations of many others who have inspired him – from politicians, business leaders, explorers, scientists and philanthropists – Richard reflects on the qualities he feels are essential for success in today’s world.This is not a conventional book on leadership. There are no rules – but rather the secrets of leadership that he has learned along the way from his days at Virgin Records, to his recent work with The Elders. Whether you’re at the beginning of your career, or head of a Fortune 500 company – this is your guide to being your own CEO (Chief Enabling Officer) and becoming a true leader – not just a boss.


書名 / The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead
作者 / Richard Branson
簡介 / The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead:當今之世,什麼樣特質的人最能成功?讓維珍集團的老闆理察‧布蘭森告訴你?維珍集團,英國知名品牌,橫跨唱片、娛
ISBN13 / 9780753519899
ISBN10 / 0753519895
EAN / 9780753519899
誠品26碼 / 2681061296007
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
