Conversations with Friends | 誠品線上


作者 莎莉.魯尼
商品描述 Conversations with Friends:《正常人》作者小說《聊天紀錄》Francesisacool-headedanddarklyobservantyoungwoman,vaguelypursuingacareerinwritingwhilestudyinginDublin


內容簡介 我們的關係是靠什麼維繫的?台灣年度暢銷小說冠軍《正常人》作者一鳴驚人代表作!「朋友是什麼?」「聊天是為了什麼?」愈在乎,愈恐懼失去。愈頻繁連線,愈焦慮不安。為何我們總是用最糟的觀點檢視自己的差錯?你可曾向人袒露真實的自己?《時代雜誌》評選「次世代」百大影響力人物──莎莉‧魯尼捕捉當代年輕人敏感的社交障礙。「正常人」沒寫出來的社交小說二十一歲的女大學生法蘭希絲,熱愛詩和寫作。某次,她和前女友玻碧,因為一場詩歌朗誦會,意外結識藝文圈小有名氣的女作家梅麗莎和她的演員丈夫尼克,一對年輕人自此踏進一個有豪宅、派對和度假別墅的布爾喬亞世界,她們深受新朋友吸引,雙方妙語如珠,無話不談。在他們聊天的過程,一段複雜的四人關係逐漸開展。向來膽怯、不擅長表達情感的法蘭希絲,與尼克越走愈近,這樣的親密關係迫使她面對自己前所未有的脆弱。「人生的某些事物,是你必須先經歷,才有辦法真正理解的。」一對分手後仍維持友誼的文藝少女,一對作風時髦卻貌合神離的夫妻,截然迥異的兩組人馬,意外擦撞出複雜的四角關係。莎莉‧魯尼從千禧世代的觀點切入,檢視當代各種約定承諾的關係如何不堪一擊,大膽而新潮,媒體將本書譽為現代版《日安憂鬱》,她們不是撞見婚外情,而是直接撞進一段婚姻生活,又奮力地表現得不為所動。經濟危機後的都柏林,自命不凡的年輕人們,看似平庸的日常,在一段段聰慧的對話和深刻的人生經歷過後,兩個女性好友看見彼此忽視的一切。然而,青春是種特權,就算犯了錯,沒有人會真的怪你。本中文書介出自《聊天紀錄》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版A sharply intelligent novel about friendship, lust, jealousy, and the unexpected complications of adulthood in the 21st century.Frances is a cool-headed and darkly observant young woman, vaguely pursuing a career in writing while studying in Dublin. Her best friend and comrade-in-arms is the beautiful and endlessly self-possessed Bobbi. At a local poetry performance one night, Frances and Bobbi catch the eye of Melissa, a well-known photographer, and as the girls are then gradually drawn into Melissa's world, Frances is reluctantly impressed by the older woman's sophisticated home and tall, handsome husband, Nick. However amusing and ironic Frances and Nick's flirtation seems at first, it gives way to a strange intimacy, and Frances's friendship with Bobbi begins to fracture. As Frances tries to keep her life in check, her relationships increasingly resist her control: with Nick, with her difficult and unhappy father, and finally, terribly, with Bobbi.Desperate to reconcile her inner life to the desires and vulnerabilities of her body, Frances's intellectual certainties begin to yield to something new: a painful and disorienting way of living from moment to moment. Written with gem-like precision and marked by a sly sense of humour, Conversations with Friends is wonderfully alive to the pleasures and dangers of youth, and the messy edges of female friendship."


書名 / Conversations with Friends
作者 / 莎莉.魯尼
簡介 / Conversations with Friends:《正常人》作者小說《聊天紀錄》Francesisacool-headedanddarklyobservantyoungwoman,vaguelypursuingacareerinwritingwhilestudyinginDublin
ISBN13 / 9780571333134
ISBN10 / 0571333133
EAN / 9780571333134
誠品26碼 / 2681569044001
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2CM
級別 / N:無
