Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry | 誠品線上

史蒂芬、柯瑞: 無所不能的NBA神射手

作者 湯普森二世
商品描述 Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry:柯瑞證明了:即使先天條件不被看好,也能創造超群的成就。連NBA偉大球員都驚呼不可能的神射手:一定要阻止柯瑞這個人!他強


內容簡介 柯瑞證明了:即使先天條件不被看好,也能創造超群的成就。 連NBA偉大球員都驚呼不可能的神射手: 一定要阻止柯瑞這個人!他強得也太不可思議了!NBA籃球史上從沒見過像他這樣的人! ——詹皇詹姆斯(LeBron James) 柯瑞不是真實的!——韋德(Dwyane Wade) 柯瑞可能不是人類啊!——德羅贊(DeMar DeRozan) 體育世界就是社會的縮影,運動的精神也適用於生活中。我希望你能像柯瑞般,堅定走過他所走過的路,絕不向批評聲讓步,並且深信自己可以成功。——好市多亞洲區總裁/張嗣漢 原來柯瑞的舒適區,就是不被看好的冷眼和他人的瞧不起,他需要這樣的能量來滋養自己。原來柯瑞在球場上不斷遭到質疑、挑戰和失敗,但他卻能一直守住家庭的美好與圓滿,因為這才是他心中最重要的世界。 ——NBA台灣官網球評/周汶昊 湯普森二世了解所有柯瑞的事蹟。每場柯瑞的NBA賽事他都在現場,沒人能像他一樣為柯瑞的現象提出具有說服力的洞見和觀點。 ——ESPN NBA球評/史坦(Marc Stein) 如果你想了解勇士隊的轉變,尤其是柯瑞晉升到超級球星的過程,這本書是必讀的。自從我被勇士隊徵召至今,沒人比湯普森二世更深刻了解這段故事。 ——勇士隊球員/格林(Draymond Green) 湯普森二世下筆生動,這些柯瑞的事蹟,是你在其他地方看不到的。他帶你看到決賽背後的場景,以及柯瑞成長過程中的關鍵時刻。或許有人認為柯瑞的事媒體都報導過了,然而本書呈現出許多漏網鏡頭和他的個人經歷。如果你愛NBA,你一定會愛上這本書。——ESPN作家/史特勞斯(Sherwood Strauss) 在一群身材壯碩高大的NBA球員中,只有一九一公分、八十二公斤的柯瑞看起來就像個普通人。身體條件不如其他球員的柯瑞,卻能稱霸籃壇,主宰場上的生殺大權,因為他掌握了場上的關鍵致勝武器:神準的三分球。 柯瑞改變了籃球的戰略。以往NBA都瘋迷人高馬大的球員優勢,靠著身材優勢闖入籃下禁區得分。因為沒有壯碩的身材硬碰硬,柯瑞練就在禁區外三分線出手得分的絕技,逼使敵隊擴大禁區的範圍。靠著普通人的身材,打破了許多籃球史上的紀錄,柯瑞見證了夢想和意志力可以戰勝先天的不足。 柯瑞的籃球之路充滿波折,除了腳傷不斷,身材較弱小、較淡的膚色、父親也是NBA球員等等他所無法改變的事實,都成為批評他的議題。然而柯瑞並沒有因此被擊倒,他在一次又一次的挫折中站了起來,更努力證明自己的實力,甚至每一次的挫折都把柯瑞推向籃球事業的另一波高峰。 雖然身為著名球星,柯瑞的親和力就像鄰家男孩般,即使第一次見到他,也會讓人留下「剛剛認識了一位籃球很厲害的朋友」的印象。而且柯瑞很重視自己的名譽,收入豐碩的他,依然過著樸實的家庭生活。 作者為金州勇士隊長年隨隊記者,他在書中回顧了勇士隊挑選柯瑞後的轉變,觀察柯瑞的宗教信仰如何支撐他走過一次又一次的低潮,甚至帶著我們一探柯瑞是怎樣練球的。想更全面更深入理解柯瑞的真實面貌,一定不能錯過書內最新的第一手資料。The #1 national bestseller and inside story of Steph Curry, the greatest shooter basketball has ever seen.Golden is the first book to provide an all-access look at Steph Curry and the team that has fueled Dub Nation—by longtime Warriors beat reporter and Bay Area News Group sports columnist Marcus Thompson, the go-to expert on all things Golden State.A lifelong Warriors fan turned insider Thompson is uniquely qualified to tell the definitive story of a singular talent, pulling back the curtain on the crazy work ethic and on-court intensity that make Curry great—and the emphasis on family and faith that keeps him grounded.Combining the competitive grit and fun-loving spirit of his mother with the mild demeanor, easy charm, and sharp shooting of his father, former NBA player Dell Curry, Steph Curry derives support and strength from his close-knit kin and his commitment to Christianity. This hard-working, wholesome image however is both a blessing and curse in a League of big personalities. Thompson unravels the complicated underpinnings of the Steph Curry hate with a nuanced analysis of how class and complexion come into play when a child with an NBA pedigree becomes the face of a sport traditionally honed on inner-city black top and dominated by the less privileged.With unprecedented access, Thompson draws from exclusive interviews with Steph Curry, his family, his teammates, Coach Steve Kerr, and the Warriors owners to bring readers inside the locker room and courtside with this remarkable athlete and man.


作者介紹 Marcus ThompsonMarcus Thompson II is a sports columnist for the Mercury News and East Bay Times, the flagship publications of Bay Area News Group. Before expanding to reporting and opining on the NFL and other San Francisco Bay Area pro and college sports, he covered the Golden State Warriors exclusively as beat writer for ten seasons. Thompson is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University, where he received a BA in mass media arts with a concentration on journalism. He lives with his wife, Dawn, and daughter, Sharon, in Oakland, California. Golden is his first book.


書名 / Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry
作者 / 湯普森二世
簡介 / Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry:柯瑞證明了:即使先天條件不被看好,也能創造超群的成就。連NBA偉大球員都驚呼不可能的神射手:一定要阻止柯瑞這個人!他強
ISBN13 / 9781501147845
ISBN10 / 1501147846
EAN / 9781501147845
誠品26碼 / 2681509411009
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2CM
級別 / N:無
