作者 | 埃利.維瑟爾 |
出版社 | Macmillan Publishing Services |
商品描述 | Night:1986年諾貝爾和平獎得主、意第緒語作家埃利.維瑟爾1958年一鳴驚人的處女作,出版以來已翻譯成30多種語文,被譽為與《安妮的日記》以及義大利作家普利摩.李維的《 |
作者 | 埃利.維瑟爾 |
出版社 | Macmillan Publishing Services |
商品描述 | Night:1986年諾貝爾和平獎得主、意第緒語作家埃利.維瑟爾1958年一鳴驚人的處女作,出版以來已翻譯成30多種語文,被譽為與《安妮的日記》以及義大利作家普利摩.李維的《 |
內容簡介 A New Translation From The French By Marion WieselNight is Elie Wiesel's masterpiece, a candid, horrific, and deeply poignant autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elie's wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in the language and spirit truest to the author's original intent. And in a substantive new preface, Elie reflects on the enduring importance of Night and his lifelong, passionate dedication to ensuring that the world never forgets man's capacity for inhumanity to man.Night offers much more than a litany of the daily terrors, everyday perversions, and rampant sadism at Auschwitz and Buchenwald; it also eloquently addresses many of the philosophical as well as personal questions implicit in any serious consideration of what the Holocaust was, what it meant, and what its legacy is and will be.
各界推薦 1986年諾貝爾和平獎得主、意第緒語作家埃利.維瑟爾1958年一鳴驚人的處女作,出版以來已翻譯成30多種語文,被譽為與《安妮的日記》以及義大利作家普利摩.李維的《如果這是一個人》齊名的經典作品。曾與家人深陷納粹集中營的維瑟爾詳述了自己在集中營裡每日生活中的驚恐、荒謬與無處不在的殘忍虐待,並不斷反覆地詰問自己身為猶太人苦難的根源,控訴上帝的不公,但卻又不時向上蒼祈求。而本書取名為「夜」,則是暗喻在集中營裡所受的折磨,有如無盡的黑夜,也是他一生中揮之不去的夢魘。此書已是美國和其他國家的高中生與大學生的必讀教材,以及研究納粹與二次大戰歷史的重要資料。
作者介紹 Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) is the author of more than fifty books, including Night, his harrowing account of his experiences in Nazi concentration camps. The book, first published in 1955, was selected for Oprah's Book Club in 2006, and continues to be an important reminder of man's capacity for inhumanity. Wiesel was Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, and lived with his family in New York City. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.
書名 / | Night |
作者 / | 埃利.維瑟爾 |
簡介 / | Night:1986年諾貝爾和平獎得主、意第緒語作家埃利.維瑟爾1958年一鳴驚人的處女作,出版以來已翻譯成30多種語文,被譽為與《安妮的日記》以及義大利作家普利摩.李維的《 |
出版社 / | Macmillan Publishing Services |
ISBN13 / | 9780374500016 |
ISBN10 / | 0374500010 |
EAN / | 9780374500016 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680127507002 |
頁數 / | 144 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
級別 / | N:無 |