Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Tech's Race for the Future of Food | 誠品線上

億萬商機人造肉: 從培養皿到餐桌, 席捲全球的未來飲食新革命!

作者 蔡斯.帕迪
商品描述 Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Tech's Race for the Future of Food:本書描述大企業和備受爭議的先驅們致力於將實驗室培養出來的肉品帶到世界各地餐桌上背後的精采內


內容簡介 本書描述大企業和備受爭議的先驅們致力於將實驗室培養出來的肉品帶到世界各地餐桌上背後的精采內幕! 產值破兆美金的肉品產業一直都是破壞環境的元兇之一, 它帶來的汙染比全球所有燃油車排放出來的污染還要多。 世界各地的畜牧業需要為森林濫伐和水土流失負責, 它所製造出來的廢棄物也遠大於航空,造紙以及礦產業的總和。 更別提每年為了滿足人類的口腹之欲而需要屠殺超過600億隻動物, 且數量逐年攀升。 然而, 與此同時, 有一群醫生, 科學家, 社運人士和企業家正企圖終結既有認知的畜牧業, 期盼有一天可以生產出食用肉品卻不需要殺害任何動物。 在矽谷的公司, 荷蘭的大學機構, 甚或以色列的新創公司中, 同一時間不同的研究室正努力試圖從少量的動物細胞中培養出漢堡排或牛排, 以及使其量產的方法。 希望提供人類一個不用屠殺動物跟破壞環境卻一樣可以滿足口腹之慾的替代方案。 作者透過前所未有的管道近距離接觸並訪談幾位主要關鍵人物, 包括Just Inc現任CEO, 前激進派社運人士的Josh Tetrick, 以及支持與反對派的說客和監管機構等, Billion Dollar Burger 跟著這些關鍵人物, 紀錄他們一邊試圖顛覆現有食品體系,一邊對抗極力阻撓他們的既得利益者的過程。 這是一場雙方都輸不起的賭注: 細胞培養的食用肉是食品製造永續發展的希望, 是人類對抗氣候變遷的關鍵, 也是相關企業全新的金礦, 卻也是既有畜牧業和精肉產業的生存戰。 我們準備好迎接巨變了嗎? The riveting story of the entrepreneurs and renegades fighting to bring lab-grown meat to the world. The trillion-dollar meat industry is one of our greatest environmental hazards; it pollutes more than all the world’s fossil-fuel-powered cars. Global animal agriculture is responsible for deforestation, soil erosion, and more emissions than air travel, paper mills, and coal mining combined. It also, of course, depends on the slaughter of more than 60 billion animals per year, a number that is only increasing as the global appetite for meat swells. But a band of doctors, scientists, activists, and entrepreneurs have been racing to end animal agriculture as we know it, hoping to fulfill a dream of creating meat without ever having to kill an animal. In the laboratories of Silicon Valley companies, Dutch universities, and Israeli startups, visionaries are growing burgers and steaks from microscopic animal cells and inventing systems to do so at scale—allowing us to feed the world without slaughter and environmental devastation. Drawing from exclusive and unprecedented access to the main players, from polarizing activist-turned-tech CEO Josh Tetrick to lobbyists and regulators on both sides of the issue, Billion Dollar Burger follows the people fighting to upend our food system as they butt up against the entrenched interests fighting viciously to stop them. The stakes are monumentally high: cell-cultured meat is the best hope for sustainable food production, a key to fighting climate change, a gold mine for the companies that make it happen, and an existential threat for the farmers and meatpackers that make our meat today. Are we ready?


作者介紹 Chase PurdyChase Purdy is a reporter for Quartz, where he explores the business, politics, and technologies that are changing the landscape of food and how people interact with it. Before Quartz, he worked in Washington, DC at Politico, as well as in newsrooms across the American South, including The Roanoke Times, The Ledger, and The News Virginian. He is a National Fellow at New America. He lives in New York City.


書名 / Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Tech's Race for the Future of Food
作者 / 蔡斯.帕迪
簡介 / Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Tech's Race for the Future of Food:本書描述大企業和備受爭議的先驅們致力於將實驗室培養出來的肉品帶到世界各地餐桌上背後的精采內
ISBN13 / 9780593328958
ISBN10 / 0593328957
EAN / 9780593328958
誠品26碼 / 2681866987001
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.2X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
