Superthinking | 誠品線上


作者 Gabriel Weinberg/ Lauren McCann
商品描述 Superthinking:ThinkBetter!成功人士都在用的「超級思考術」!免厚重教科書、免長篇大論,所有精英都必須有的「成功思考術」有時候是否覺得自己拿了一手好牌,但卻不知道


內容簡介 Think Better! 成功人士都在用的「超級思考術」! 免厚重教科書、免長篇大論,所有精英都必須有的「成功思考術」 有時候是否覺得自己拿了一手好牌,但卻不知道怎麼運用?事實上,若你無法將這些好牌交叉運用發展成一個完整的網絡,它們就沒有存在的價值,這時候你需要的是正確的「心智模式」。 世界上有各式各樣的心智模式,在教科書、論文、評論中可以找到,但與其花大把的時間去搜尋一個適合的心智模式,不如就閱讀由創業家Gabriel Weinberg、Lauren McCann透過十幾年經驗整理出來的教戰手冊! l 代辦清單已經長到看不見盡頭?你需要Eisenhower Decision Matrix來幫你排出先後順序。 l 用5 Whys來理解他人的動機和問題的根本。 l 在做出「搞亂計畫的這個同事就是來害我」的結論前,用Hanlon’s Razor來想想有沒有其他解釋。 l 是否曾經因為付了錢所以只好撐完整場難看的電影?請小心,說不定你已落入Sunk Cost Fallacy的陷阱中。 l Forcing Functions可以為生鏽的引擎上油,往目標前進。 原來高效能人士們,都有一定的思維模式!? 作者歸納出這些思考SOP,讓讀者試著訓練自己更快速的處理資訊。 長期練習,即可看見生活、職場問題的核心,進而改善決策和解決問題的能力,讓生活各方面都獲得有效改善! An easy to read, helpful guide to thinking better--Thinking Fast and Slow meets The Decision Book. About 15 years ago, entrepreneur Gabriel Weinberg (currently CEO & Founder, DuckDuckGo) came across mental models - frameworks that help us better interpret information - and started using them to improve his thinking in every area of his life. Since then, he and his wife, MIT-trained Ph.D. Lauren McCann, have been developing a collection of the most helpful mental models, for those of us who don't want to wade through dense books on psychology, physics, or economics. There are thousands of mental models, and every discipline has its own set. But you only need a handful to vastly improve your day-to-day decision making, problem solving, and truth seeking. As famed Berkshire Hathaway investor Charlie Munger once said, "80 or 90 important models will carry about 90% of the freight in making you a worldly-wise person." This book explains and explores the models that Weinberg and McCann have found most useful from a broad range of disciplines. For example: ●In difficult conversations, strive to understand the third story, the story that an impartial observer would tell. If you understand how your perspective contrasts with the third story, you can prevent the conversation from getting hostile, and better yet, make progress. ●Apply the sunk cost fallacy to end a doomed project. Just because you've put a lot of hours into it doesn't mean that you have to keep going. ●Before blaming someone, consider Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by carelessness." ●Set up forcing functions like standing meetings or deadlines to help grease the wheels for changes you want to occur. ●Use opportunity cost to figure out what to say yes to because every choice you make has a cost. Time is money. Filled with fun and relatable examples for over 250 useful mental models, Superthinking is a must-have for anyone looking to upgrade their thinking.


書名 / Superthinking
作者 / Gabriel Weinberg Lauren McCann
簡介 / Superthinking:ThinkBetter!成功人士都在用的「超級思考術」!免厚重教科書、免長篇大論,所有精英都必須有的「成功思考術」有時候是否覺得自己拿了一手好牌,但卻不知道
ISBN13 / 9780525542810
ISBN10 / 0525542817
EAN / 9780525542810
誠品26碼 / 2681698427003
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
