Measure What Matters | 誠品線上

Measure What Matters

作者 John Doerr/ Larry Page
商品描述 Measure What Matters:約翰.杜爾《OKR:做最重要的事》✰紐時暢榜商業類推薦!傳奇風險投資家JohnDoerr揭示了目標管理工具OKR的秘密,如何幫助Intel到Google等科技巨人的


內容簡介 紐時暢榜商業類推薦1999 年,傳奇創投家約翰.杜爾拜訪Google。當時這間公司成立不到一年,沒有實際的事業發展計劃,但是他們抱負遠大,想的是年營收百億美元的未來。杜爾被佩吉和布林兩位創辦人說服了,押下19年創投職涯最大的賭注,挹資近1,200萬美元,條件就是Google要用OKR來管理。這是杜爾最成功的投資,他在科技界興起了新的管理方法,造就世界級的執行力。什麼是OKR?目標與關鍵結果(OKR,Objectives and Key Results),前者代表你想達成「什麼」,後者則是你該「如何」達成。OKR有4大超能力:#1:專注投入優先要務#2:契合與連結,造就團隊合作#3:追蹤當責#4:激發潛能,成就突破OKR帶領Google從40人的新創公司,成長為超過7萬員工的科技巨擘,市值高達7000億美元。如今,數百家類型不同、大大小小的公司都採用OKR。從Google到Dropbox、LinkedIn和推特與YouTube,再到迪士尼與三星。杜爾說,這套方法能幫所有人、家庭、組織、甚至政府,為真正重要的事物而戰。【書籍目錄】第一部 實踐OKR1 當Google遇上OKROKR如何傳到Google,以及它有哪些神奇力量。2 OKR之父葛洛夫創造、流傳的全新目標設定法。3 英特爾的征服行動用OKR打贏微處理器戰爭。4 超能力1:專注投入優先要務如何選出最要緊的事。5 專注:Remind的故事布雷特.科普夫用OKR克服注意力缺失症。6 投入:「姊姊」的故事金吉妮決心改變美國醫療面貌。7 超能力2:契合與連結,造就團隊合作公開與透明,可以激發並且強化合作。8 契合:MyFitnessPal的故事契合很難但很值得,而且將超越你的預期。9 連結:Intuit的故事泰森利用公開與透明,強化公司的開放文化。10 超能力3:追蹤當責監測進展、適時修正。11 追蹤:蓋茲基金會的故事坐擁200億美元的新創事業,利用OKR對抗惡疾。12 超能力4:激發潛能,成就突破灌注能量,達成看似不可能的目標。13 激發潛能:Google Chrome的故事桑德爾‧皮蔡與全球第一的網路瀏覽器。14 激發潛能:YouTube的故事大膽的每日10億小時觀看時間目標。第2部 工作的新世界15 持續性績效管理:OKR與CFR對話、回饋和讚揚,如何幫助我們取得卓越表現。16 捨棄年度績效考核:Adobe的故事以對話和回饋,確認公司的核心價值。17 每天烤得更好:Zume Pizza的故事機器人應用先驅利用OKR,創造完美的披薩。18 企業的支柱:文化OKR促進文化,CFR滋養文化。19 文化變革:Lumeris的故事改變組織文化,克服內部抵制。20 文化變革:U2波諾與ONE反貧運動的故事最偉大的搖滾巨星利用OKR,拯救最貧困的人。21 未來的目標本中文書介出自《OKR: 做最重要的事》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版Legendary venture capitalist John Doerr reveals how the goal-setting system of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) has helped tech giants from Intel to Google achieve explosive growth--and how it can help any organization thrive.In the fall of 1999, John Doerr met with the founders of a start-up whom he'd just given $12.5 million, the biggest investment of his career. Larry Page and Sergey Brin had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy, and sky-high ambitions, but no real business plan. For Google to change the world (or even to survive), Page and Brin had to learn how to make tough choices on priorities while keeping their team on track. They'd have to know when to pull the plug on losing propositions, to fail fast. And they needed timely, relevant data to track their progress -- to measure what mattered.Doerr taught them about a proven approach to operating excellence: Objectives and Key Results. He had first discovered OKRs in the 1970s as an engineer at Intel, where the legendary Andy Grove (""the greatest manager of his or any era"") drove the best-run company Doerr had ever seen. Later, as a venture capitalist, Doerr shared Grove's brainchild with more than fifty companies. Wherever the process was faithfully practiced, it worked.In this goal-setting system, objectives define what we seek to achieve; key results are how those top-priority goals will be attained with specific, measurable actions within a set time frame. Everyone's goals, from entry level to CEO, are transparent to the entire organization.The benefits are profound. OKRs surface an organization's most important work. They focus effort and foster coordination. They keep employees on track. They link objectives across silos to unify and strengthen the entire company. Along the way, OKRs enhance workplace satisfaction and boost retention.In Measure What Matters, Doerr shares a broad range of first-person, behind-the-scenes case studies, with narrators including Bono and Bill Gates, to demonstrate the focus, agility, and explosive growth that OKRs have spurred at so many great organizations. This book will help a new generation of leaders capture the same magic."


書名 / Measure What Matters
作者 / John Doerr Larry Page
簡介 / Measure What Matters:約翰.杜爾《OKR:做最重要的事》✰紐時暢榜商業類推薦!傳奇風險投資家JohnDoerr揭示了目標管理工具OKR的秘密,如何幫助Intel到Google等科技巨人的
ISBN13 / 9780525538349
ISBN10 / 0525538348
EAN / 9780525538349
誠品26碼 / 2681554812004
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.9X13.9CM
級別 / N:無