Silence (Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

Silence (Movie Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Shusaku Endo
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Silence (Movie Tie-in Ed.):我非沉默著,而是一起受苦。一九九六年九月二十九日,一生為天主服務、奉獻的遠藤周作先生離開人世,回到主的身旁,家人遵奉遺言把《沉默》和


內容簡介 我非沉默著,而是一起受苦。一九九六年九月二十九日,一生為天主服務、奉獻的遠藤周作先生離開人世,回到主的身旁,家人遵奉遺言把《沉默》和《深河》放入棺中陪伴遠藤;這代表了遠藤對其文學創作的評價與總結。其實,這兩本書除了他自認為是自己的代表作之外,它們同時還被公認為是二十世紀日本文學的代表作。《深河》是遠藤生前最後的著作,獲得極高的評價。《沉默》則發表於一九六九年,是探討遠藤文學的最重要作品之一,評價極高,榮獲第二屆谷崎潤一郎獎,其中探討基督宗教在東方社會紮根時面臨的問題,包含東西方文化的差異等等。之所以取名為「沉默」,理由有二:(一)反抗歷史的沉默;(二)探索神的沉默。故事發生在德川幕府時代禁教令下長崎附近的小村子,一個葡萄牙耶穌會的教士偷渡到日本傳教,並調查恩師因遭受「穴吊」而宣誓棄教一事,因為這事在當時歐洲人的眼中,不只是個人的挫折,同時也是整個歐洲信仰、思想的恥辱和失敗。在傳教與尋訪的過程中,信仰與反叛、聖潔與背德、強權與卑微、受難與恐懼、堅貞與隱忍、掙扎與超脫……所有的兩難情境都面臨了,逼迫著他對基督的信仰進行更深層且更現實的思索,最終,他彷彿也走過一趟恩師的心路歷程,擁有自己對信仰的詮釋與實踐。在近代日本文學中居承先啟後地位的遠藤周作,一生獲獎無數,著作等身,曾獲芥川獎、新潮社文學獎、每日出版文學獎、谷崎潤一郎獎、野間文學獎等,一九九五年更榮獲日本文化勳章。摘自立緒文化事業有限公司出版《沉默》Shusaku Endo's classic novel of enduring faith in dangerous times, soon to be a major motion picture directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Andrew Garfield, Liam Neeson, and Adam Driver"Silence I regard as a masterpiece, a lucid and elegant drama."-The New York Review of BooksSeventeenth-century Japan: Two Portuguese Jesuit priests travel to a country hostile to their religion, where feudal lords force the faithful to publicly renounce their beliefs. Eventually captured and forced to watch their Japanese Christian brothers lay down their lives for their faith, the priests bear witness to unimaginable cruelties that test their own beliefs. Shusaku Endo is one of the most celebrated and well-known Japanese fiction writers of the twentieth century, and Silence is widely considered to be his great masterpiece.


作者介紹 SHUSAKU ENDO, born in Tokyo in 1923, was raised by his mother and an aunt in Kobe where he converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of eleven. At Tokyo's Keio University he majored in French literature, graduating BA in 1949, before furthering his studies in French Catholic literature at the University of Lyon in France between 1950 and 1953. Before his death in 1996, Endo was the recipient of a number of outstanding Japanese literary awards: the Akutagawa Prize, Mainichi Cultural Prize, Shincho Prize, and the Tanizaki Prize, and was widely considered the greatest Japanese novelist of his time.


書名 / Silence (Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Shusaku Endo
簡介 / Silence (Movie Tie-in Ed.):我非沉默著,而是一起受苦。一九九六年九月二十九日,一生為天主服務、奉獻的遠藤周作先生離開人世,回到主的身旁,家人遵奉遺言把《沉默》和
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250082275
ISBN10 / 1250082277
EAN / 9781250082275
誠品26碼 / 2681358405006
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1X14CM
級別 / N:無
