情感@設計: 為什麼有些設計讓你一眼就愛上
作者 | Norman, Dolnald A. |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | Emotional Design:為何便宜的葡萄酒倒在別緻的玻璃酒杯中,品嚐起來就特別美味?或是為什麼洗過的車或打過蠟的車感覺特別好開?新的研究顯示,有吸引力的東西的確會比較好 |
作者 | Norman, Dolnald A. |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | Emotional Design:為何便宜的葡萄酒倒在別緻的玻璃酒杯中,品嚐起來就特別美味?或是為什麼洗過的車或打過蠟的車感覺特別好開?新的研究顯示,有吸引力的東西的確會比較好 |
內容簡介 Why attractive things work better and other crucial insights into human-centered designEmotions are inseparable from how we humans think, choose, and act. In Emotional Design, cognitive scientist Don Norman shows how the principles of human psychology apply to the invention and design of new technologies and products. In The Design of Everyday Things, Norman made the definitive case for human-centered design, showing that good design demanded that the user's must take precedence over a designer's aesthetic if anything, from light switches to airplanes, was going to work as the user needed. In this book, he takes his thinking several steps farther, showing that successful design must incorporate not just what users need, but must address our minds by attending to our visceral reactions, to our behavioral choices, and to the stories we want the things in our lives to tell others about ourselves. Good human-centered design isn't just about making effective tools that are straightforward to use; it's about making affective tools that mesh well with our emotions and help us express our identities and support our social lives. From roller coasters to robots, sports cars to smart phones, attractive things work better. Whether designer or consumer, user or inventor, this book is the definitive guide to making Norman's insights work for you. Did you ever wonder why cheap wine tastes better in fancy glasses? Why sales of Macintosh computers soared when Apple introduced the colorful iMac? New research on emotion and cognition has shown that
各界推薦 為何便宜的葡萄酒倒在別緻的玻璃酒杯中,品嚐起來就特別美味?或是為什麼洗過的車或打過蠟的車感覺特別好開?新的研究顯示,有吸引力的東西的確會比較好用。 在過去十年間,設計傾向讓產品容易使用,其中有一大原因歸於Norman開創性的言論《設計心理學》(The Design of Everyday Things)。但他在《情感設計》(Emotional Design)中,以大量的生物學、神經科學與心理學為基礎,首次論證情緒系統如何改變認知系統的運作,並以此勾勒出反應情感的美學商品在設計中所扮演的角色。 美觀的東西使人心情愉快,還能激發出創意性的思考,每當我們接觸到一個東西,決定我們反應的不單是它有多好用,還包括它有多好看、有沒有忠實地反映我們的形象,或甚至喚起我們的懷舊之情。因此,如何設計出美的事物,讓人更能發揮潛能,找到面對問題的方法,成為當今商品設計的重要課題。 有別於傳統設計書籍的內容,Norman深入探討人類三種處理問題的層次:本能、行為和反思出發,詮釋這三種層次在實際行動中如何互相調節與抗衡,並以此作為分析商品設計者與商品消費者的認知與反應的主要依據。書中列舉了許多實例,像是MiniCooper迷你車的有趣,使得它的缺點經常為人所忽略;電玩遊戲陽剛男性化的設計,挑動年輕男性的敏感神經而獲致極大成功等,證明情感性的滿足之於商品設計的重要性。
作者介紹 Don Norman is Director of the Design Lab at the University of California, San Diego, former Apple Vice President, and co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group. His many books include The Design of Everyday Things, The Design of Future Things, and Living with Complexity.
書名 / | Emotional Design |
作者 / | Norman, Dolnald A. |
簡介 / | Emotional Design:為何便宜的葡萄酒倒在別緻的玻璃酒杯中,品嚐起來就特別美味?或是為什麼洗過的車或打過蠟的車感覺特別好開?新的研究顯示,有吸引力的東西的確會比較好 |
出版社 / | Hachette Book Group USA |
ISBN13 / | 9780465051366 |
ISBN10 / | 0465051367 |
EAN / | 9780465051366 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680063852006 |
頁數 / | 272 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
級別 / | N:無 |