內容簡介 美國最神秘的攝影師薇薇安‧邁爾(1923-2009)最精選的250張照片知名攝影作家Marvin Heiferman編輯、暢銷作家Laura Lippman推薦序她在世的時候,身份是流浪保姆,除了總是不停地拍照,行事非常低調。身後留下數萬膠捲,深鎖在閣樓箱子,為數眾多甚至沒有沖洗,沒有人看過。2007年在一場舊貨拍賣會上,房地產經紀人、業餘歷史學家John Maloof收購了她的一箱底片,不世出的攝影才華終於為世人所見,光芒耀眼,引起全球驚艷。本書收錄薇薇安‧邁爾的生平,以及250張珍貴的黑白與彩色攝影作品,以及紐約時報暢銷書作家Laura Lippman的推薦序。書中精選邁爾最經典傑出的作品,多數拍攝於1950年到1970年的紐約、芝加哥以及她旅行途中所見。紀錄片《尋秘街拍客》即將在台上映,電影預告: The definitive monograph of American photographer Vivian Maier, exploring the full range and brilliance of her work and the mystery of her life, written and edited by noted photography curator and writer Marvin Heiferman; featuring 250 black-and-white images, color work, and other materials never seen before; and a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Laura Lippman.Vivian Maier’s story—the secretive nanny-photographer during her life who becomes a popular sensation shortly after her death—has, to date, been pieced together only from previously seen or known images she made and the handful of facts that have surfaced about her life. During her lifetime she shot more than 100,000 images, which she kept hidden from the world. In 2007, two years before her death, Chicago historic preservationist John Maloof discovered a trove of negatives, and roll upon roll of undeveloped film in a storage locker he bought at auction. They revealed a surprising and accomplished artist and a stunning body of work, which Maloof championed and brought to worldwide acclaim. Vivian Maier presents the most comprehensive collection and largest selection of the photographer’s work—created during the 1950s through the 1970s in New York, Chicago, and on her travels around the country—almost exclusively unpublished and including her previously unknown color work. It features images of and excerpts from Maier’s personal artifacts, memorabilia, and audiotapes, made available for the first time. This remarkable volume draws upon recently conducted interviews with people who knew Maier, which shed new light on Maier’s photographic skill and her life.