Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis | 誠品線上

動盪: 國家如何化解危局、成功轉型?

作者 賈德.戴蒙
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis:【比爾蓋茲推薦書單】《動盪:國家如何化解危局、成功轉型?》A"rivetingandilluminating"BillGatesSummerReadingpickabou


內容簡介 【比爾蓋茲推薦書單:2019夏季推薦】國家內憂外患的解套之書。「不關心政治,就等著被糟糕的人統治。」―柏拉圖當代最具權威性作家,套用個人創傷的心理療程,拆解七國如何挺過三大類危局,借鏡歷史,在動盪中找到曙光。★ 比爾.蓋茲指定必讀:「戴蒙擘畫出一條身陷危機時可以選擇的道路。」★《21世紀的21堂課》作者大推:「本書是化解全球當前危局的希望。」★ 普立茲獎得主、《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》作者全新力作。★《紐約時報》暢銷書。 有如《冰與火之歌》的動盪歷史,細說國家何以成為今日面貌。自由民主國家芬蘭,為何對專制政權蘇俄敬畏三分,採行嚴格的言論自我審查機制?原本篤信民主的智利,為何瞬間左傾,對政敵進行破紀錄的大規模虐殺?西德總理布蘭特於波蘭首都猶太區一跪,何以能為外交局勢奠定決定性轉變?賈德.戴蒙被喻為這個世代最具深度思考力、最具權威性的作家,他以個人的獨特洞見,抽絲剝繭國家面貌定型的軌跡。輔以 12 個化解危局成敗的關鍵因子,剖析何以有的國家能浴火重生,有的國家卻一蹶不振。書中以七個國家(芬蘭、日本、智利、印尼、德國、澳洲和美國)遭逢的三大類危局(突發的內憂、外患和漸進型隱憂)為例:小蝦米芬蘭面對大鯨魚蘇聯的入侵、日本遭受美國培里將軍侵門踏戶、德國的新世代如何與犯下納粹暴行的上一代進行和解、智利皮諾契特總統的極權政體……等。對照分析各國的行動策略與結果,並以此檢視當前的世局。 歷史的傷口太沉痛,卻是指引未來方向的明燈。日本與中、韓的歷史傷口未能有效化解,為何比人口老化更值得日本憂心?在美國將中國視為最大潛在敵人之際,何以政治兩極化才是美國真正的頭號隱憂?動盪,是世界的日常:國家的力量興衰、國與國之間的關係改變、甚或全球共同面對的環境議題,都是身為世界一分子的我們無法切割的課題。身處在前景未明的動盪中,借鏡歷史,我們可以找到前進的方向。本書介出自時報文化出版《動盪: 國家如何化解危局、成功轉型?》A "riveting and illuminating " Bill Gates Summer Reading pick about how and why some nations recover from trauma and others don't (Yuval Noah Harari), by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the landmark bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel.In his international bestsellers Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse, Jared Diamond transformed our understanding of what makes civilizations rise and fall. Now, in his third book in this monumental trilogy, he reveals how successful nations recover from crises while adopting selective changes -- a coping mechanism more commonly associated with individuals recovering from personal crises.Diamond compares how six countries have survived recent upheavals -- ranging from the forced opening of Japan by U.S. Commodore Perry's fleet, to the Soviet Union's attack on Finland, to a murderous coup or countercoup in Chile and Indonesia, to the transformations of Germany and Austria after World War Two. Because Diamond has lived and spoken the language in five of these six countries, he can present gut-wrenching histories experienced firsthand. These nations coped, to varying degrees, through mechanisms such as acknowledgment of responsibility, painfully honest self-appraisal, and learning from models of other nations. Looking to the future, Diamond examines whether the United States, Japan, and the whole world are successfully coping with the grave crises they currently face. Can we learn from lessons of the past?Adding a psychological dimension to the in-depth history, geography, biology, and anthropology that mark all of Diamond's books, Upheaval reveals factors influencing how both whole nations and individual people can respond to big challenges. The result is a book epic in scope, but also his most personal yet."


作者介紹 Jared DiamondJared Diamond, a noted polymath, is Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Among his many awards are the U.S. National Medal of Science, Japan's Cosmos Prize, a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, a Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, and election to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He is the author of the international best-selling books Guns, Germs, and Steel, Collapse, Why Is Sex Fun?, The World until Yesterday, and The Third Chimpanzee, and is the presenter of TV documentary series based on three of those books.


書名 / Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis
作者 / 賈德.戴蒙
簡介 / Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis:【比爾蓋茲推薦書單】《動盪:國家如何化解危局、成功轉型?》A"rivetingandilluminating"BillGatesSummerReadingpickabou
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316497183
ISBN10 / 0316497185
EAN / 9780316497183
誠品26碼 / 2681894190008
頁數 / 512
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.2X10.7X4CM
級別 / N:無