Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant | 誠品線上

Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant

作者 Roland Lazenby
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant:「拉森比仔細的調查和精彩的寫作,為NBA史上最有價值的球員之一的科比‧布萊恩,描繪出一幅精彩的職涯之畫」─KurtHelin,ProBasketbal


內容簡介 生也傳奇,死也傳奇永遠不滅的曼巴精神!NBA史上風格最鮮明,讓球迷又愛又恨的傳奇人物「拉森比仔細的調查和精彩的寫作,為NBA史上最有價值的球員之一的科比‧布萊恩,描繪出一幅精彩的職涯之畫」─Kurt Helin, Pro Basketball Talk, NBC Sports《Men’s Journal》雜誌年度最佳書籍入圍The Sunday Times年度最佳傳記決選入圍The Cross British Sports Book Award決選入圍《星期日泰晤士報》年度最佳運動書籍獎決選名單「大家會怎麼記得他?」24號?8號?單場81分?史上得分手段最多的球員?最接近喬丹的那個人?奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎《親愛的籃球》?還是那場令全世界籃球迷心碎的意外事故?無論從哪個角度來看,科比.布萊恩的一生,都值得全世界球迷再三追思。科比.布萊恩是NBA史上絕對無法忽略的偉大球員之一,對於體育運動的重要性與影響無庸置疑。即使身處體育界最風光、隊史擁有無數名傳奇球星的洛杉磯湖人隊,他仍然佔據著鎂光燈的焦點,就連引退賽都吸引了全球籃球迷的目光,並帶給大家難以忘懷的一晚。本書由知名運動作家羅倫.拉森比操刀,深入這樣一位偉大球星的人生,以科比最討厭的外號「SHOWBOAT」(愛現仔)作為全書主題,彰顯科比一直以來都在試著跟全世界證明自己,那種「Love me or Hate me」的哲學。除此之外,全書用極長的篇幅,鉅細靡遺的講述科比的家族故事、他從出身開始的人生經歷、與父母決裂的過程、婚姻關係,甚至是那個轟動一時的涉嫌性侵案。要了解科比.布萊恩的生涯軌跡,這是一本你絕對不能錯過的好書。本中文書介出自《生來張狂: 科比.布萊恩傳》堡壘文化出版The definitive portrait of Kobe Bryant, from the author of Michael Jordan. "Lazenby's detailed research and fantastic writing paint a complex, engaging picture of one of the NBA's greats. " (Kurt Helin, Pro Basketball Talk, NBC Sports)Eighteen-time All-Star, scorer of 81 points in a single game, MVP, and one of the best shooting guards in NBA league history: Kobe Bryant is among basketball's absolute greatest players, and his importance to the sport is undeniable. Third on the NBA career scoring list and owner of five championship rings, he is an undisputed all-time great, one deserving of this deep and definitive biography.Even within the flashiest franchise in all of sports--the Los Angeles Lakers, where he played his entire career--Bryant always took center stage, and his final game captivated the basketball world, indeed the country. Roland Lazenby delves deep to look behind this public image, using classic basketball reporting and dozens of new interviews to reveal the whole picture, from Bryant's childhood through his playing years. Showboat is filled with large personalities and provocative stories, including details of Bryant's complicated personal life and explosive relationships on the court, and is a riveting and essential read for every hoops fan."


作者介紹 About the AuthorRoland Lazenby is the author of the bestselling and definitive biographies Michael Jordan and Jerry West, among other books. He has spent the past three decades interviewing NBA players, coaches, staff members, and other figures while writing about the league. He lives in Salem, VA.


書名 / Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant
作者 / Roland Lazenby
簡介 / Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant:「拉森比仔細的調查和精彩的寫作,為NBA史上最有價值的球員之一的科比‧布萊恩,描繪出一幅精彩的職涯之畫」─KurtHelin,ProBasketbal
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316387149
ISBN10 / 0316387142
EAN / 9780316387149
誠品26碼 / 2681534943001
頁數 / 625
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X14CM
級別 / N:無
