The Goldfinch | 誠品線上


作者 唐娜.塔特
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Goldfinch:紐約大都會博物館的一場意外爆炸案,奪走了男孩TheoDecker母親的性命。13歲的他,在這場意外中奇蹟般倖存,但是幸運生還的他卻不幸被父親遺棄,好在Theo一


內容簡介 美國亞馬遜書店年度選書!史上最暢銷小說家史蒂芬‧金力讚,十年來難得一見的精彩故事!紐約大都會博物館的一場意外爆炸案,奪走了男孩Theo Decker母親的性命。13歲的他,在這場意外中奇蹟般倖存,但是幸運生還的他卻不幸被父親遺棄,好在Theo一位家境富裕同學的雙親願意收養他,於是他便住進了他們一家位於紐約公園大道上的豪華住宅。搬進新家的他,對於陌生的環境感到不知所措;在學校碰壁的人際相處也讓他備感挫折,但是最為折磨人、教他無法承受的,還是失去母親的傷痛。但是,這場事故卻意外讓他擁有了一幅館藏畫作,一幅出自荷蘭畫家Carel Fabritius之手、名為「The Goldfinch」的畫作。這幅畫是唯一能讓他追憶母親的慰藉,但同時也即將將他帶向幽深黑暗的藝術世界……長大後的Theo,在一間彷彿迷宮的老舊古董店工作,更結識不少有錢人家,在他們家中進出自如。這幅始終由Theo保管的畫作,即將引發一連串波瀾不斷的驚險事件,而Theo自身的命運也繫於這幅神秘的畫作上……《The Goldfinch》一書是美國暢銷小說家Donna Tartt耗費十年心血寫就的精彩文學大作,這個故事除了精彩的懸疑成分,同時更是一個深刻動人的成長故事,觸及了愛情、自我認同、藝術等議題。主角Theo擁有無可抗拒的神秘吸引力,讓人讀來捨不得罷手,是一部熬夜也要一口氣看完,而且會讓你迫不及待與身邊好友分享的精彩故事!A young New Yorker grieving his mother's death is pulled into a gritty underworld of art and wealth in this "extraordinary " and beloved Pulitzer Prize winner that "connects with the heart as well as the mind " (Stephen King, New York Times Book Review).Theo Decker, a 13-year-old New Yorker, miraculously survives an accident that kills his mother. Abandoned by his father, Theo is taken in by the family of a wealthy friend. Bewildered by his strange new home on Park Avenue, disturbed by schoolmates who don't know how to talk to him, and tormented above all by a longing for his mother, he clings to the one thing that reminds him of her: a small, mysteriously captivating painting that ultimately draws Theo into a wealthy and insular art community.As an adult, Theo moves silkily between the drawing rooms of the rich and the dusty labyrinth of an antiques store where he works. He is alienated and in love -- and at the center of a narrowing, ever more dangerous circle.The Goldfinch is a mesmerizing, stay-up-all-night and tell-all-your-friends triumph, an old-fashioned story of loss and obsession, survival and self-invention. From the streets of New York to the dark corners of the art underworld, this "soaring masterpiece " examines the devastating impact of grief and the ruthless machinations of fate (Ron Charles, Washington Post)."


書名 / The Goldfinch
作者 / 唐娜.塔特
簡介 / The Goldfinch:紐約大都會博物館的一場意外爆炸案,奪走了男孩TheoDecker母親的性命。13歲的他,在這場意外中奇蹟般倖存,但是幸運生還的他卻不幸被父親遺棄,好在Theo一
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316286398
ISBN10 / 0316286397
EAN / 9780316286398
誠品26碼 / 2680868246000
頁數 / 976
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.1X10.6CM
級別 / N:無