Annihilation (Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

Annihilation (Movie Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Jeff Vandermeer
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Annihilation (Movie Tie-in Ed.):NEWYORKTIMESBESTSELLERTheSouthernReachTrilogybeginswiththisNebulaAward-winningnovelthat"readsasifVerneorWellsianadventurersexpl


內容簡介 《遺落南境三部曲》第一部《遺落南境I: 滅絕》當理性不再適用,從文明的束縛中掙脫,取而代之的是無止盡的瘋狂……當你進入詭譎的X禁區,就別想毫髮無傷地全身而退!◎《紐約時報》暢銷小說!◎2015年星雲獎最佳長篇小說得主!◎亞馬遜網路書店2014年2月最佳好書◎恐怖小說大師史蒂芬.金推薦!◎改編電影即將於2017年上映,由納塔莉.波曼主演!由四名女性組成的科學家團隊──主角生物學家,加上隊長心理學家、考古學家與測量員,深入與文明隔絕的神秘X禁區進行調查。三十年來都處於荒廢狀態的X禁區,由名為「南境」的神秘政府機構所管轄,如今派遣第十二支探勘隊深入調查。前幾支探險隊隊員的下場皆十分悲慘,失蹤、罹患癌症、互相殘殺、自殺皆有……生物學家的丈夫是第十一支探險隊隊員,即使平安歸來,卻失去了記憶,幾個月後就死於癌症。在詭譎的秘境裡,她們忘了自己是怎麼進入X禁區,也不知道該如何離開。她們每個人所看見的眼前景象都不盡相同,而三名隊員都隱約察覺被心理學家以催眠術操縱著……在X禁區,既定的社會規範與常識都受到挑戰,通往地下隧道的建物在生物學家的眼中,卻成了塔。塔(隧道)的牆上充滿神秘的聖經訓誡,突起的字體由真菌排列而成。禁區的邊界不斷變形,充滿不祥而詭異的力量,不時由遠處傳來無法辨識的野獸呻吟……當探勘隊瀕臨瓦解,隊員一一失蹤、死亡,生物學家成了唯一的生還者,她竟在燈塔中找到死去丈夫的手記,記錄著他生前的經歷,以及第十一支探險隊的遭遇,發現政府一直刻意隱瞞關於X禁區的情報!她相信丈夫的一部份還留存於X禁區,決定留下來找出真相…… The Southern Reach Trilogy begins with this Nebula Award-winning novel that "reads as if Verne or Wellsian adventurers exploring a mysterious island had warped through into a Kafkaesque nightmare world " (Kim Stanley Robinson).Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. Nature has reclaimed the last vestiges of human civilization. The first expedition returned with reports of a pristine, Edenic landscape; the second expedition ended in mass suicide; the third expedition in a hail of gunfire as its members turned on one another. The members of the eleventh expedition returned as shadows of their former selves, and within weeks, all had died of cancer. In Annihilation, the first volume of Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy, we join the twelfth expedition.The group is made up of four women: an anthropologist; a surveyor; a psychologist, the de facto leader; and our narrator, a biologist. Their mission is to map the terrain, record all observations of their surroundings and of one another, and, above all, avoid being contaminated by Area X itself.They arrive expecting the unexpected, and Area X delivers―they discover a massive topographic anomaly and life forms that surpass understanding―but it's the surprises that came across the border with them and the secrets the expedition members are keeping from one another that change everything."


作者介紹 Jeff VanderMeer is an award-winning novelist and editor. His fiction has been translated into twenty languages and has appeared in the Library of America's American Fantastic Tales and in multiple year's-best anthologies. He writes nonfiction for The Washington Post, The New York Times Book Review, the Los Angeles Times, and The Guardian, among others. He grew up in the Fiji Islands and now lives in Tallahassee, Florida, with his wife.


書名 / Annihilation (Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Jeff Vandermeer
簡介 / Annihilation (Movie Tie-in Ed.):NEWYORKTIMESBESTSELLERTheSouthernReachTrilogybeginswiththisNebulaAward-winningnovelthat"readsasifVerneorWellsianadventurersexpl
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780374537159
ISBN10 / 0374537151
EAN / 9780374537159
誠品26碼 / 2681466415003
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.1X12.7CM
級別 / N:無
