內容簡介 ◎亞馬遜網路書店讀者4.7顆星評價◎暢銷書《障礙就是道路》The Obstacle Is the Way與Ego Is the Enemy作者最新力作◎推出旋即榮登《華爾街日報》與《今日美國報》即時暢銷榜◎斯多葛派冥想的美好日日信仰實踐為什麼歷史上的偉人們,從昔日的喬治華盛頓、腓特烈大帝、愛默生,到當今諸多優秀人才,包括贏得足球超級盃的教練、各大企業CEO與名人們,都擁抱古代斯多葛派的智慧?因為他們明白,最有價值的智慧是永恆的,哲學是為了活出更美好的生活,而不僅僅只是課堂活動。本書提供366天、每日一則斯多葛派的洞察和練習,全新翻譯斯多葛派眾多哲人思想語錄,包括廣為人知的「哲人王」皇帝馬可‧奧里略、劇作家塞內卡,與奴隸出身的哲學家愛比克泰德,也收錄芝諾、克里安西斯與魯福斯等知名度較低、但知識權威度不減的傑出哲思。這一年的每一天,你會發現一則他們精練強大的語錄、歷史軼事、挑釁的評論與有用的希臘語詞彙。透過遵循這些教誨指導,在一年的過程中(以及未來幾年裡),你會發現自己找到寧靜、韌性並認識自我,幫助你活得更美好。Where can you find joy? What's the true measure of success? How should we manage anger? Find meaning? Conquer grief? The answers to these questions and more lie at the heart of Stoic philosophy. The Daily Stoic is a compelling, accessible guide to living a good life, offering daily doses of this classic wisdom.Long the secret weapon of history's great figures, from emperors to artists and activists to fighter pilots, the principles of Stoicism have shone brightly through the centuries as a philosophy for doers. Tested in the laboratory of human experience over the last two thousand years, this timeless knowledge is essential to navigating the complexities of modern life.The Daily Stoic offers a daily devotional of Stoic insights and exercises, featuring all-new translations from the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, and the slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus, as well as diamonds like Zeno, Cleanthes and Musonius Rufus. On each page, one for every day of the year, you'll find one of their pithy, powerful quotations, as well as historical anecdotes and provocative commentary to help you tackle any problem or approach any goal. By following these teachings over the course of a year (and, indeed, for years to come) you'll find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well.