The Year of Magical Thinking | 誠品線上


作者 瓊.蒂蒂安 (琼.狄迪恩)
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Year of Magical Thinking:2005年美國國家圖書獎的非小說類得獎作品!年屆七十歲的作家JoanDidion在2003年的12月,與她相守近四十年的丈夫,也同是作家的JohnGregoryD


內容簡介 2005年美國國家圖書獎的非小說類得獎作品!年屆七十歲的作家Joan Didion在2003年的12月,與她相守近四十年的丈夫,也同是作家的John Gregory Dunne,在家中因為心臟病發去世,無獨有偶的,她甫新婚的獨生女Quintana也因肺炎入院而昏迷。隔年她的女兒就因為流感及併發症去世,得年39歲。自此Joan Didion的生命全然改觀,她以之後的一年為The Year of Magical Thinking,細細品味緬懷著對丈夫和女兒的生活,也在此書把自己的哀傷、悲楚寫進此書。書中分享著她對人生、死亡、愛的看法,感人的情懷讓本書出版後就大賣了超過二十萬本。美國的百老匯劇場即將改編這部小說為一人表演的舞台劇。NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER • From one of America’s iconic writers, a stunning book of electric honesty and passion that explores an intensely personal yet universal experience: a portrait of a marriage—and a life, in good times and bad—that will speak to anyone who has ever loved a husband or wife or child.Several days before Christmas 2003, John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion saw their only daughter, Quintana, fall ill with what seemed at first flu, then pneumonia, then complete septic shock. She was put into an induced coma and placed on life support. Days later—the night before New Year’s Eve—the Dunnes were just sitting down to dinner after visiting the hospital when John Gregory Dunne suffered a massive and fatal coronary. In a second, this close, symbiotic partnership of forty years was over. Four weeks later, their daughter pulled through. Two months after that, arriving at LAX, she collapsed and underwent six hours of brain surgery at UCLA Medical Center to relieve a massive hematoma.This powerful book is Didion’ s attempt to make sense of the “weeks and then months that cut loose any fixed idea I ever had about death, about illness … about marriage and children and memory … about the shallowness of sanity, about life itself."


作者介紹 瓊.蒂蒂安(Joan Didion, 1934.12.05~)美國文壇地位隆重、「當代最優秀的散文體作家」,小說《照著做》(Play It As It Lays)不但入選「時代雜誌百大英文小說」,更曾改拍電影。她的作品型態豐富,涵括小說、散文、文化評論與電影劇本,甚至她所撰寫關於舊金山的報導,亦成為城市文學的經典之作。2005年末她出版回憶錄《奇想之年》,立即躍上各大排行榜暢銷書,受書評家推崇為「傷慟文學的經典之作」,並囊括2005年美國國家圖書獎等各大獎項!為她撰寫書評者包括榮獲三屆桂冠詩人的平斯基(Robert Pinsky)。


書名 / The Year of Magical Thinking
作者 / 瓊.蒂蒂安 (琼.狄迪恩)
簡介 / The Year of Magical Thinking:2005年美國國家圖書獎的非小說類得獎作品!年屆七十歲的作家JoanDidion在2003年的12月,與她相守近四十年的丈夫,也同是作家的JohnGregoryD
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781400078431
ISBN10 / 1400078431
EAN / 9781400078431
誠品26碼 / 2680578503004
頁數 / 227
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.1X14.5X2.0CM
級別 / N:無